The century of war , plague and distroyer

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The century of war , plague and distroyer by Mind Map: The century of war , plague and distroyer

1. War with Scotland and France

1.1. Scots to look for allies with France.XVI century

1.2. Edward III declared Hundred Years War on France in 1337-1453

1.3. Welsh longbow:was quick rate of fare

1.4. Edward III allowed the French to ransom the Scots king David satisfied with his successes in France,

2. The poor in revolt·

2.1. Edward Ill was an expensive king when many people were miserably poor and sick with plagues

2.2. Richard son Edward , Hembecame king on his grandfathe r's death in 1377

2.3. Black Prince, had died a few months earlier

2.4. 1381 this tax was enforced for a third time and also increased.

2.4.1. There was animmediate revolt in East Anglia and in Kent , two of the rich er parts of the country

3. Heresy and orthodoxy

3.1. discon tent with the Church also grew.

3.1.1. The Church was a feudal power

3.2. . Edward's wars in France were beginning to make the English conscious of their "Englishness" and the people was a foreigner.

3.2.1. When peasants stormed London in 1381 they executed the Archbishop of Canterbury

3.3. XVI The English Church might have become independent from the papacy

4. 1330 England began struggle against the French Crown

5. The age of chivalry

5.1. Eldest son of edward III Black prince became 2code of chivalry

5.2. Edward interest grew in the legendary King Arrhur

5.3. the legend of the round Table, around which King Arthur

5.3.1. his knights sat as equals in holy brotherhood.

6. The century plague

6.1. 1348-9, more than one -third of population of Britain died

6.2. plagues during the rest of the century which killed mostly the young and healthy.

6.3. . After the Black Death there were so few people to work on the land for more money for their labour

6.4. In the XII century, however, the practice of letting out farms had been a way of increasing the andlord's profits

6.4.1. XIVcentury enjoyed a greater share of the agricultura l economy