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Assessments by Mind Map: Assessments

1. 2. Interim/Benchmark assessments

1.1. Examples of Interim/benchmark assessments

2. 3. Summative assessments

2.1. Examples of summative assessments

3. 4. Performance assessments

3.1. Examples of performance assessments

4. H.O.T Questions

4.1. Opening Questions

4.1.1. 1. What does the rain forest look like?

4.1.2. 2. What does it feel like in a rainforest?

4.2. Guiding Questions

4.2.1. 1. What are some conclusions you can draw about a rainforest based on the animals that live there?

4.2.2. 2. What observations can you make by looking at the picture of the rainforest?

4.3. Closing Questions

4.3.1. 1. Compare and contrast the types of living organisms in the rainforest with the ones in the desert, use a venn diagram to do so.

4.3.2. 2. Justify what types of animals you may find in the rainforest and why?

5. 1. formative assessments

5.1. Examples of formative assessments

6. Definition

7. 5. Diagnostic assessments

7.1. Examples of diagnostic assessments

8. Rainforests