My Personal Learning Network

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My Personal Learning Network by Mind Map: My Personal Learning Network

1. College

1.1. Professors

1.2. Classmates

1.3. Organizations

1.3.1. LSCS

1.3.2. Moomedia

2. Highschool

2.1. Teachers

2.2. Friends

3. Social Networks

3.1. Facebook

3.1.1. Family

3.1.2. Friends

3.1.3. Various Groups

3.2. Twitter

3.2.1. Follow

4. Hobbies

4.1. Surfing the web

4.2. Listening to music

4.3. Playing the guitar

5. Passion

5.1. Computer programming and designing

5.1.1. Applications

5.2. Music

5.2.1. Guitar Playing and making music