The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

A book summary on 7 Habits of highly effective people. by stephen R covey. Made by Arpit Banjara

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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey by Mind Map: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

1. Three Social Maps- To explain the nature of Man

1.1. Genetic determinism

1.1.1. your grandparents did it to you

1.1.2. That’s why you have such a temper

1.2. Psychic determinism

1.2.1. your parents did it to you

1.3. Environmental determinism

1.3.1. your boss is doing it to you or your spouse

1.3.2. or that bratty teenager

1.3.3. or your economic situation

1.3.4. or national policies Someone or something in your environment is responsible for your situation

2. Three central values in life:

2.1. The experiential, or that which happens to us

2.2. The creative, or that which we bring into existence

2.3. The attitudinal, or our response in difficult circumstances such as terminal illness

3. problems we face fall in one of three areas

3.1. Direct control

3.1.1. Problems involving our own behavior

3.2. Indirect control

3.2.1. Problems involving other people’s behavior

3.3. No control

3.3.1. Problems we can do nothing about such as our past or situational realities

4. A good affirmation has five basic ingredients

4.1. 1. It’s personal

4.2. 2. It’s positive

4.3. 3. It’s present tense

4.4. 4. It’s visual

4.5. 5. It’s emotional

5. Practices vs Principles

5.1. Practices are situationally specific

5.1.1. Principles are deep, fundamental truths

5.1.2. that have universal application

5.2. Principles are the territory

5.2.1. Values are maps

5.3. When we value correct principles

5.3.1. we have the truth

5.3.2. a knowledge of things as they are

5.4. The way we see the problem is the problem

5.5. Sow a thought

5.5.1. reap an action

5.5.2. sow an action reap a habit sow a habit reap a character sow a character

6. Know more about Mind Mapping

7. The Book in Three Sentences

7.1. Success encompasses a balance of

7.1.1. personal and professional effectiveness

7.2. Before you can adopt the seven habits

7.2.1. you need to change your perception

7.2.2. and interpretation of how the world works

7.3. Between what happens to you and your response to it

7.3.1. is your freedom to choose that response

8. The Five Big Ideas

8.1. Proactive people work on the things

8.1.1. they can do something about

8.2. Management is doing things right

8.2.1. leadership is doing the right things

8.3. A paradigm is a way to “see” the world

8.4. We see the world, not as it is

8.4.1. but as we are conditioned to “see” it

8.5. To make relatively minor changes in your life

8.5.1. focus on your attitudes and behaviors

8.5.2. To make significant, quantum change work on your basic paradigms

9. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

9.1. 1. Be proactive

9.2. 2. Begin with the end in mind

9.3. 3. Put first things first

9.4. 4. Think win/win

9.5. 5. Seek first to understand then be understood

9.6. 6. Synergize

9.7. 7. Sharpen the saw

10. True effectiveness

10.1. is a function of two things:

10.1.1. what is produced (the golden eggs)

10.1.2. the producing asset or capacity to produce (the goose)

10.2. Effectiveness lies in the balance

10.2.1. Stephen calls the P/PC Balance P stands for production of desired results the golden eggs

10.2.2. PC stands for production capability the ability or asset that produces the golden eggs

11. Our paradigms

11.1. correct or incorrect

11.1.1. are the sources of our attitudes and behaviors

11.1.2. and ultimately our relationships with others

11.2. make a change in our lives

11.2.1. focus on our attitudes and behaviors

11.3. if we want to make significant change

11.3.1. work on your basic paradigms

11.3.2. Paradigms are inseparable from character

11.3.3. what we see is highly interrelated to what we are

11.4. Paradigms are powerful because

11.4.1. they create the lens through which we see the world

11.5. The power of a paradigm shift

11.5.1. essential power of quantum change

11.5.2. whether that shift is an instantaneous

11.5.3. or a slow and deliberate process

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