Chapter Three: Application Software

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Chapter Three: Application Software por Mind Map: Chapter Three:       Application Software

1. A variety of forms

1.1. Packaged Software

1.2. Web application

1.3. Custom Software

1.4. Open source software

1.5. Shareware

1.6. Freeware

1.7. Public-domain software

2. Business Software

2.1. Example

2.1.1. Word Processing

2.1.2. Spreadsheet Organizing data in rows and columns and calculation

2.1.3. Database

2.1.4. Presentation

2.1.5. Document management

2.2. Enterprises require

2.2.1. Human resources

2.2.2. Accounting

2.2.3. Engineering

2.2.4. Marketing

2.2.5. Distribution

2.2.6. Information technology

3. Learning Tools for Application Software

3.1. Online Help

4. for Communications

4.1. Web browser

4.2. E-mail

4.3. Instant messaging

4.4. Blogging

4.5. Newsgroup/Message Board

4.6. FTP

4.7. Video Conterencing

5. Graphics and Multimedia Software

5.1. Computer-aided design (CAD) software

5.2. Desktop publishingoftware

5.3. Paint/Image editing software

5.4. Professional photo editing software

5.5. Video and audio editing software

5.6. Multimedia authoring software