
The Life Cycle of J-Data

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J-Flow by Mind Map: J-Flow

1. Document

1.1. Storage

1.2. Revision

1.3. Notification

1.4. Access

1.5. Presentation

2. Identify Slow Flow

3. Research

3.1. Write

3.1.1. Publish Read Respond Archive

4. Data

4.1. Documents

5. Communications

5.1. Community

6. Process

6.1. Products

7. MAP: Info Flow

7.1. FIND: Flow Slowdowns

8. Data

8.1. Documents

8.1.1. Communication Presentation

9. Work Less

10. Output More

11. Product

11.1. Paper

11.2. Web

11.3. Mobile

11.4. Broadcast

11.5. Podcast

11.6. Social

12. Increase Flow

12.1. Increase Output

13. Past Solutions

13.1. Present Needs

13.1.1. Future Improvements

14. Example

14.1. Improvement

15. UI

15.1. UX