Precarity and Diversity in German Higher Ed 5.03.2020, Cologne

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Precarity and Diversity in German Higher Ed 5.03.2020, Cologne by Mind Map: Precarity and Diversity in German Higher Ed 5.03.2020, Cologne

1. Governance and funding is a key issue

1.1. Excellence strategy might be the issue to examine deeply...

1.2. Bayreuther Erklärung!

1.3. Hochschulgesetz narrative, SeminerRat stipulations

2. Evaluation...Competition...Audit Culture and systematization

3. Immigration struggle

3.1. Language challenges

4. We need spaces for ACTION!

5. We must tackle HIERARCHIES within the structure!

5.1. Formalization and bureaucratization cause long term impairments to knowledge workers in general.

6. Burn-out and drop-out from academia