Special Education Legalities and Funding

Special Education Legalities and Funding

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Special Education Legalities and Funding by Mind Map: Special Education Legalities and Funding

1. Funding

1.1. Foundation Grant (FG): basic level of funding for each student.

1.2. Special Education Grant (SEG): Additional Funding for special programs, services and equipment. (Includes SEPPA, HNA, SEA, SIP, BEA, FA)

1.3. Special Education Per-Pupil Amount (SEPPA): Foundational special education funding.

1.4. High Needs Amount (HNA): Funding for additional staff support required for pupils with high needs.

1.5. Special Equipment Amount (SEA): Funding for essential equipment for pupils with special education needs.

1.6. Special Incidence Portion (SIP): Funding for staff for students that require more than 2 full-time staff in order to ensure health and safety of them and others.

1.7. Behaviour Expertise Amount (BEA): Funding to support board-level ABA expertise.

1.8. Facilities Amount (FA): Funding to provide instruction in a care, treatment, custody or correctional facility.

2. PPMs

2.1. Policy/Program Memorandas that outline MOE expectations regarding implementation of ministry policies and programs.

2.2. PPM 1: Schools for Blind and Deaf as resource centres and services available there without charge

2.3. PPM 8: outlines board requirements for identification and program planning for students with learning disabilities

2.4. PPM 11: boards are required to have procedures in place for early identification of strengths and needs

2.5. PPM 59: outlines best practices, roles and responsibilities and consent related to psychological testing

2.6. PPM 76C: outlines alternative educational program requirements and funding for deaf, blind and deaf-blind students

2.7. PPM 81: outlines roles and responsibilities of the ministries (MOE, MCSS, MOH) for in-school health support services

2.8. PPM 85: provides direction to school boards regarding the educational programs for students in CTCC facilities

2.9. PPM 140: provides direction to boards regarding the use of ABA for students with ASD

2.10. PPM 156: outlines requirements of transition plans

3. Special Education Advisory Committe (SEAC)

3.1. Roles and Responsibilities

3.1.1. - all boards are required to establish SEACs

3.1.2. - comprised of trustees and representatives from local associations

3.1.3. - make recommendations on all matters related to special education programs and services

3.1.4. - participate in the annual review of board Special Education Plan

3.1.5. - boards must provide personnel and facilities, as needed by the SEAC

3.1.6. - boards must provide the opportunity for SEAC to be heard before decisions about special education are made

3.2. Legislation

3.2.1. - laid out in Reg. 46/97 of the Education Act

3.3. Funding

3.3.1. - SEAC reviews financial statements of the board, as they relate to special education

3.3.2. - SEAC participates in the annual budget process, as it relates to special education