Listening and learning about those with Muscular Dystrophy

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Listening and learning about those with Muscular Dystrophy by Mind Map: Listening and learning about  those with Muscular Dystrophy

1. The Importance of role models in the community

1.1. A young boy being diagnosed late who had experienced normal things in life to then have to change was hard.

1.2. Seeing others made the young boy think “I won't be able to do anything” (Hoskin, 2017). However this young boy's Mum had taken him to see an older male who experiences the same diverse need.

1.2.1. For this young boy to see an older person having experience the same, it made him react in shock but also learn to understand that he isn't the only one to experience it. The young boy after meeting the older male had a positive outlook at little things in life and he later mentioned that seeing this older person having the same needs was very impressive and long lasting. The boy wanted to share to others listening that no matter what happens or what you have to experience having a role model and someone to look upon can positively help your mindset.

2. Questioning life thoughts

2.1. This resource outlines individuals questioning and also keeping thoughts and findings to themselves about their cruel disease.

2.2. The individuals suggest that they often do not like to speak and ask about when their life may come to an end, they discussed that they can be computer experts however still not research and read up on muscular dystrophy.

2.2.1. Many mothers stated that they do not want to tell their children that their life span isn't as long as others and these individuals would not often ask. As listeners this hits hard for some in knowing that they cannot have the same opportunities and life as everyone else. Be grateful and loving of life as it is precious.

3. Through listening to those with diverse needs we as individuals who are different or similar to them will always learn something, from hearing there experiences and struggles in life it is the closest way possible to feel and be at their level in trying to understand this unfortunate diverse need.

4. Experiences of Difference

4.1. In this resource the experiences of difference describes true life experiences and feelings.

4.2. Personal experience - Jay a 14 year old Male who lives with the condition of Muscular Dystrophy

4.3. Jay speaks about the ways in which activities are curtailed because of his health and mobility problems. Often the other people around them who don’t experience this diverse need will have a negative attitude and create a sense of difference (Skyrme, 2017).

4.3.1. Jay who misses his favourite sports teaches us as readers and listeners that not everyone is able to do what they wish and want too.

5. The Physical and Emotional Effects of Living with DMD

5.1. The effects of living with this disease can be missed and unknown. Only the person living with this will be able to tell us listeners what it is really like.

5.2. Resource -This resource explores the key experiences of the physical and emotional effects which then can limit their ability to work and study, having to live differently each day (Abbott & Carpenter, 2014).

5.3. Listening to individuals open up about how they feel and why it is so hard to stay positive brings to the front the real life struggle which others will not understand. Undergoing surgical interventions, leaves impact on their daily lives with the pain being distressful.

5.3.1. One person stated “ I’m in a lot of pain all the time” bruising occurs and needles are needed to help ease pain, however the emotional and physical pain unfortunately stops individuals from enjoying leisure and social activities.