Leaders of the American Revolution

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Leaders of the American Revolution by Mind Map: Leaders of the American Revolution

1. George Washington

1.1. Role: Commander in Chief of the Continental Army & 1st president of the United States of America

1.1.1. Born Feb 22, 1732-Dec 14, 1799 Became involved in politics after being overlooked for a promotion after the French and Indian War. He was against the Royal Proclamation of 1763, Stamp Tax, and other forms of taxes (without representation

1.2. Famous Quote: "I hope I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man"

1.3. Signed the US Constituiton, after months of debate with delegates. This includes the Bill of Rights

1.4. Became president after the Constitution was ratified and won the Electoral College

1.4.1. Honors: Washington Monument, $1, quarter, George Washington University, Mount Rushmore

2. Nathan Hale

2.1. Role: spy for the Continental Army, never changed his name while undercover

2.2. member of Knowlton's Rangers: the first intelligence service, established by George Washington and named after Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Knowlton

2.3. Hale volunteered to become a spy while knowing the risk. He disguised himself as a Dutch school teacher. He reported locations and movements of the British army

2.3.1. He was caught and killed on Sept 22 1776. Multiple sources about Hale's death are unclear.

2.4. Famous Quote: "I only regret that I have one life to lose for my country"

2.4.1. Honors: issued on stamps, statues in the state of Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, Virginia, and Washington D.C.

3. Benjamin Franklin

3.1. Role: political philosopher, diplomat, inventor, author, postmaster, one of the writers of the Declaration of Independence

3.1.1. Jan 1706- April 17, 1790 A well-known speaker with Parliament after tax disagreement after the French and Indian War Became a French ambassador, helped Americans build an alliance with France