COMM391 Section 202 Phase 6

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COMM391 Section 202 Phase 6 by Mind Map: COMM391 Section 202 Phase 6

1. DSS will help employees to identify and predict future demand and allow them to plan the supply in advance to match demand

1.1. Employees will needto be trained to use the system.

2. As with the managers, this new way of working will be more reliant on teamwork and collaborating. This may also mean a change in performance measures as these positions should not be competiting with one another, but instead working together to make GFC amazing.

3. Technology: Implement a technology (proposed idea, iphone application) that builds a customer relationship that is sustainable for moveIT in moving industry. It provides tips for the moving process, information about the community they are moving to such as local grocery stores and daycares (based on data inputted into the app).

3.1. This would alter the way employees do their work, as it would add additional steps in the customer-employee relationship. Currently there are no specific customer service tasks other than those of the managers answering complaints, secretaries taking booking calls.

3.1.1. Employees would need to be more customer service oriented when pitching the application, explaining how it benefits the customer, connecting the customer to the product, and therefore become its' salesperson (although the application would be free for our customers, we need to convince them that it adds value in order for it to build a strong relationship between us and the customer in their minds)

3.1.2. Employees would need to be trained on how to use the technology, so they can use it to help benefit the customer. They would need to use the technology to research the area within which the customer is moving in order to add extra value.

3.1.3. Employees would need better communication skills with customers (Before they were just moving their stuff from A to B) and now they are providing an additional service of being friendly and helpful about local community events/grocery stores etc, in order to maintain trust and add value to the relationship

3.1.4. Employees would be required to be able to demonstrate the technology while secretaries would need to adjust their skills in order answer questions about it etc.

3.2. Result: Communication would be enhanced, we would be seen in a positive light in the mind of our customers, they would be more likely to use our moving services again, we can tailor the experience directly to their needs and the community they plan to live in. We can also sell this technology to others (although our direct customers get it free when using our moving services) or sell it to other moving companies

4. Makes all company's documents and files digital and computerized instead of keeping them on filing cabinets. Documents and files such as resumes, employee information, client information, etc.

4.1. Makes it easier for our company to send files and documents throughout Canada and allows employees to edit or change things easily

4.1.1. If used properly, it will lead to efficiency and cut down on labour costs because instead of having more employees to file documents on filing cabinets, we just need a few employees that are highly skilled to do the work since they need to process more documents and information. So, we would not need to hire as much employees in our firm.

5. Using MoveIT’s online profile on the company website, customers will be able to input data regarding their moving needs (ex. size/quantity of products they will be moving, etc.). The recommendation agent will then suggest different packages that are tailored the customer’s needs (ex. the size of the truck needed, number of movers, the associated costs, and costs of additional services like packing). The recommendation agent will also be used to suggest location-specific information to customers (local doctors, restaurants, schools, etc.)

5.1. Employees will be allocated according to the specific training that they have received that aligns with the customers needs (familiarity with area)

5.2. Management will be able to appropriately distribute the company resources such as which sized truck and how many employees

5.3. Prior to implementing the recommendation agents, employees were relying on a paper-based system to plan moves. In other words, employees were having to decide the number of trucks, employees, etc. required for the move. The recommendation agent will help employees make this decision. However, employees will conduct in-house estimates prior to the move, to ensure that the information provided by the recommendation agent is accurate. Since it will take less time for the employees to determine the resources needed for each move with the recommendation agen, MoveIT can offer its customers more alternatives, therefore offering a more personalized service.

6. TPS: From paper-based to database

7. Will the technology you plan to implement in your company change the way employees do their work? How?

8. Group 211

8.1. Good Foods - technology: QR codes

8.1.1. the technology changes the way the employee they work less employees need for instore activities less cashiers will be need, as well as the inventory stocking staff, less product inspection training for QR codes needed for employees take longer time to familiarize the new technology more employees are needed for receiving online orders have to deal with customer service online instead of personally (face to face) More employees will be hired for marketing purposes and online activites such as updating and maintaining the website Most employees will be doing the same work as before, we just need to relocate them or hire new employees to fill areas of need that we are now putting more emphasis on...more online stuff managers will be focus on employees performance regarding to online activities and delivery service, rather than inspecting inventory, and checking the availability of products

9. Group 212

9.1. MoveIT Technology: Recommendation Agents

10. Group 213

10.1. Good Foods technology: ERP

10.1.1. Management: Their work will be changed by means of fact based knowledge that is a result of the ERP system. They will now be expected to work on a more integrated system and looking to optimize operations between all 3 stores. There will be an added sense of responsibility as the shift will focus less on store to store performance and more on the success of Good Foods as a whole. If performance measures change this is a operational risk that can definitely create resistance GFC will mitigate this by getting management feedback on how performance incentives should be created and offering training to all employees (both management and non-management). This will create a space to grow with the company, the new technology, and be confident in their positions. Prior to implementing the new technologies- Everyone will be informed of the changes that are going to occur, and will have an opportunity to learn about the technologies. The new system and the old system cannot be run at the same time- therefore it would be beneficial to run a pilot- to insure that everyone will understand the new ways of performing tasks! It will immediately replace the old techonology- therefore a good understanding/ training prior to implementation is necessary for a smooth transition.

10.1.2. Employees: Good Foods employees will be in charge of putting in data and ensuring it's accuracy. Employees will be spending less time on managing reports and communicating information between one another. Everyone will be able to see the operations and data between all 3 locations. Employees will be able to spend more time improving customer service and increased face time to customers. They will be able to inform the consumers what the inventory levels are at other stores in the case of there not being a desired item in the store/ they can have it delivered to the store if need be... communication between the stores will become flawless and systematic.

10.1.3. VP's (Accounting, Sales, Logistics): Previously, these positions have been reliant on paper work and long communication means (emails, phone calls, fax). This was not always efficient With the implemetation of ERP these roles will need to transfer their old habits into an online habit. Using the system will create a more efficient and instantaneous way to communicate the needs/changes of the business.

11. Group 214

11.1. Technology: Mobile E-Commerce Application and CRM

11.1.1. This mobile application will change the work that many employees are doing. It will affect the following employees in the following ways Brokers: The brokers will no longer need to spend significant amounts of time with clients in person completing transactions because these clients will be able to do transactions from their homes. this will allow the brokers to spend more time analysing the stock market data, and developing profitable trading and portfolio strategies for those clients. With this increased amount of time to do so, they will be able to send notifications to the applicaiton users of potential stocks they should buy etc and ultimately increase the number of transactoins as well as the ability to specialize for different clients based on their past trading history Furthermore, the implementation of the mobile application will be effectively eliminating a step in the supply chain of Vanalyst's service. THis means that clients will be more satisfied as they can trade at their convenience instead of needing to come into the location to do transactions. Management: The role of management will change slightly as they will now need to analyze the data collected through the CRM system being implemented. management will need to be able to analyze what customers seem to be liking and what they aren't in order so successfully manage the relationship Vanalyst has with its clients. This is vital to Vanalyst because we have a goal to obtain 360 degree customer service The use of this new CRM technology will allow Vanalyst to effectively satisfy their customers. This leads to significantly increased client retention and the clients happiness with how Vanalyst is handling both them and their money Analysts: The role of the analysts will remain the same, as they are not the main contact with the customers. The analysts job consists mainly of looking at the data collected from sources such as bloomberg and analyzing it to come up with what stocks are doing well, which ones should be bought and what should be sold. The implementation of the mobile application will not affect this process and therefore this work will not change Analysts for the most part have very little interaction with clients but rather are in contact with the brokers. This is the main reason their role doesn't change. However, If due to the implementation of the mobile application or the CRM technology the brokers are in need of different types and form of data, then the analysts will be required to adapt to these changing needs.

12. Group 217

13. Group 216

14. Group 218

14.1. TPS will allow employees manage their moving schedules more effectively.

14.1.1. It will increase the efficiency of employees since they can find information by typing in a query on the database rather than searching throught the files.

14.1.2. Time saved will allow employees to focus on building better customer relations by offering faster transaction processing time.

14.1.3. However if employees are taught to only rely on thesystem itself they may become inefficient if the system suddenly fails, thus it is important that employees keep in mind that they always keep a paper record for reference. They should also maintain a back-up database somewhere else and know how to access it in case of emergencies.

14.2. With our company website employees will learn to gather and filter through the information that customers inputted and then they use the customer's preferences for moving time, truck space and number of movers to better allocate company resources.

14.3. Technology

15. Group 220

15.1. Cloud Computing

15.1.1. Brokers in VanRealty can access databases anywhere, they don't need to physically go back to the office to check information.

15.2. Decision Support System

15.2.1. In the Past: Managers needed to integrate all the data, and analyze them separately. They were required to routinely sort transactional data, then make managerial decisions. Weakness 1)Managers would get tired when they analyzed a bunch of similar data, also they would make mistakes in the analysis. 2) It was relatively hard for managers to make decisions all the time.

16. Group 219

17. Group 215

17.1. Cloud Computing

17.2. Document Management System

17.2.1. A program to keep track of the documents we have in our extensive database.

17.3. Potential Resistance from Employees

17.3.1. 1. Failure to use the system Employees are not comfortable with it and despite having the new system in place, they might still try to do it with the traditional paperwork

17.3.2. 2. Not receiving proper training to use the technologies Might lead to inefficiency in management of documents and might lead to different kinds of errors in the work

18. Group 201

18.1. We plan to implement RFID Technology

18.1.1. This will affect employees: Efficiency Will decrease "down time" and wasted time. Will enable more patients to be seen during same amount of work hours. Customer Interactions Will improve employees ability to connect to customers, as they will have patient information instantly available. Will change patient interaction, as less time will be spent establishing patient history/patient trends, and more time can be spent on patient's immediate concerns Scheduling Would implement more dynamic scheduling, as logistics would be more specifically planned (eg length of appointment, type of appointment) therefore delays/unexpected issues during appointments would be communicated to Flow Manager in real time as to allow for modification of the schedule. Autonomy Especially for "lower skill level" workers such as equipment operators and cleaners.

19. Group 202

19.1. Our company's technology of choice would be cloud computing.

19.2. Our competitive strategy is to provide immediate, high-quality and compatible associates for our clients

19.2.1. Recruitment Will help recruiters to become more effective at targeting candidates with specific desired skills and experiences with access to data on current skills inventory and assignment requirements that is always in real time as opposed to a set list of attributes to look for that's updated every two months. Will complement business strategy by ensuring the associates hired by City WorkForce have the required qualities, so that the company can always supply the right number of associates with the right capabilities to clients. Potential issues: this would change the way recruiters operate, be more demanding on them as they would need to adjust their objectives to dynamic demands.

19.2.2. Assignment managment Having cloud computing will make it easier for Associate Supervisors to share the availability schedule of associates with other departments, such as payroll and training compared to having independent databases that require excessive communication to maintain. With superior and instantaneously updated availability knowledge available, the operational efficiency from matching to assigning to signing contract, to worker deliver, pay and exit interview would have less lag time, improving the efficiency of operations as a whole. Ensuring effective communication across different department will be a challenge as they will now be viewing the same information, where as before each department had there own data management conventions.

19.2.3. Maintaining profile database Cloud computing will motivate associates to work hard to receive better reviews for their performance because cloud computing will give access to our clients to easily access associate profiles It would be easier to migrate information from the client mainframe to our system. Increased and more immediate feedback from the client would contribute towards a stronger relationship as they can see that their opinions had tangibly effected how City WorkForce makes decisions. Privacy concerns would arise with the sharing of this data. The company must take appropriate precautions to ensure the security of this information.

19.2.4. Accepting work positions With the prevalence of mobile technology today, cloud computing will let associates with mobile devices to quickly see their new work assignments and accept their positions. This will motivate CityWorkforce workers to quickly update new job positions. Increases the speed with which City WorkForce matches associates with assignments.

19.2.5. Training Training applications can be easily shared to new associates and even across regional offices as opposed to traditional physical implementation of software or hardware training modules. This would support City WorkForce's initiative to support the continual growth and development of associates and thereby ensuring they are and continue to be of the highest quality. New node

20. Group 203

20.1. Technology: employee performance management system

20.1.1. high correlation bewtweeen employee preformance and customer satisfaction. Old system encouraged more sales instead of placing emphasis on customer services. This system will help the firm better understand the relative worth of each employee, 'Jim Pattison' approach of sifting out cream of the crop employees

20.1.2. Employees will be aware of the metrics that they will be evaluated on. This will help the employees focus thier efforts accordingly When employee goals are aligned with company's goals, profits will increase and so will productivity Adjust compensation incentives based on the customer feedback, consider other metrics provided by the system also. New node

21. Group 206 (VANalyst)

21.1. CRM

21.1.1. Before: Kept records in paper file. An effective way to keep track of records and store information. This should not affect day-to-day work because it is strictly for reference. This implementation is for the sake of transparency and antiquity. Transition period: Input of all records.

21.2. DSS

21.2.1. Given that decisions are made mechanically through historical data, this could influence an employee given that their assessment was inconsistent with the DSS. Transition period: training on how to interact with the DSS.

21.3. Data Warehouse

21.3.1. Again, should not change day-to-day activities, but makes information much more accessible and convenient. Anyone in the company can have access. An example of this would be Bloomberg Terminal. Transition period: all financial analysts will have to know how to access this information.

22. Group 204

22.1. Recommendation Agents: Reduces personal interviews between employees and clients

22.1.1. Employees spend more time doing administrative work rather than relating to clients (companies and potential employees) Effective bonds created between employee and employer

22.2. Networked Collective Intelligence

22.2.1. Allows effective matching up between employer and employee, specifically when certain attributes are requested; allows City Workforce employees to spend more time researching, doing administrative work, reduces personal level of interaction Reduces time that would be typically spent matching employees with companies

22.3. With increased time on their hands, City Workforce employees can further improve aptitude tests, ensure efficient system of organization, research companies and develop a strong human resources firm overall

23. Group 205

24. Group 207

24.1. Technology: Tablet/ Corning Glass Non-touch displays

24.1.1. Learning curve to actual day-to-day use of technology Daily activities such as surgeries and operations require efficient and immediate actions. Employees must be comfortable using these tablets under stressful conditions. The direct actions may influence the success of the procedure Doctors/Nurses/Administration will have to take time and patience into learning how to use the tablets. Some staffs maybe reluctant to apply a new system as they are used to how things were.

24.1.2. Adjusting to changes Doctors aren’t trained or taught in Med School to use the tablets. Medical reports, lab tests & health records will now be displayed on this new technology. As seen in past integration of technology in Ottawa, front line health providers may be reluctant at first to learning new techniques. Initially, there will be some difficulties especially for the older generation. However, once adjustment phase is done, tasks will become much easier and more efficient.

24.1.3. Integration into the work place Construction to eliminate paper stations and make room for tablets and non-touch displays may delay short-term operations. Employees must work together to change habits for successful integration

24.1.4. Administration Necessary paper documents must be coded into electronic form so that it can be viewed on the tablet. By using DMS the switch is possible but administration will have to allocate a large amount of time to completing this initial phase. There may be some data that are incompatible with the new system. Hence, it requires a lot more resources to convert or to make it compatible.

25. Group 208

25.1. Techonology: Database and DSS

25.1.1. Keep track of when our employees worked & the customer satisfaction. Which is then be compared with customer spending (this information can be from loyalty program as well as the general sales) and customer satisfaction (Can be gathered by surveys, or rating of how satisfaction they are at the check-out staff) Gauge employee performance, and impact of staff training, experiences, and staff attributes Help place a value on attributes which can help the company makes staff decisions. Using this data we can find correlations between training, experience, and other employee attributes with customer satisfaction Help to organize an appropriate training that is going to maximize the value of our staff. Feasibilities: The data base is relatively easy to create. There is more intangible benefit in the operation level, that can't be measured quantitatively. Since the employee training or the performance management are already using in the organization, it's easy to use the database.

26. Group 209

26.1. Technology Implemented in our business will drastically change the way our employees work.

26.1.1. Technology will significantly increase the efficiency of employees workflow, therefore we will require fewer of them to complete tasks. This will reduce employees needed in the sales, customer service, and accounting departments

26.1.2. Because both temp workers and employees use the online system to organize there needs, therefore our employees will have far less direct communication with them

27. Group 210

27.1. Good Foods

27.1.1. RFID Easier for employees to track items Validation points: backstock room, point of sales, physical items on the floor Automate human tasks e.g. reading labels, scanning bar codes - may mean some employees lose their jobs or have less responsibilities/duties Can eliminate frequent data errors - improve accuracy of information Training required for RFID system usage Use of hand-held scanners Operating system Real-time data capture of inventory count Efficiency Reduces time to count inventory : on the floor for restocking purposes, order from suppliers Change from manually counting each separate item to scanning over an area where products are located and receiving data instantly as they are scanned Train employees to identify popular products and hot spot of the stores By determining popular products, employees can evaluate what type of stock/run a particular good should have, i.e. how many items of that one good should be put out on the floor