my fisrt mind map

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ABM by Mind Map: ABM

1. Bussiness math

1.1. Using percent

1.2. Ordiring function

1.3. Using decimals numbers

2. Statistic

2.1. Two way table

2.2. Analyzing one categorical variable

2.3. Z-scores

3. Filipino

3.1. Book Review

3.2. Kard Catalog

3.3. Pananaliksik

4. Etech

4.1. Excel

4.2. Cells

4.3. Famlink

5. Bible

5.1. Reflection

5.2. Verse

5.3. prophets

5.4. Kings

6. Organization and Management

6.1. Bussiness

6.2. Management

6.3. managers


7.1. Revenues

7.2. Revenues

7.3. Income statement

7.4. Income

7.5. Profit

8. Reading and Writing Skills

8.1. Book Review

8.2. Format letters

8.3. News

8.4. Reflection

9. Science

9.1. Motion

9.2. Elements

9.3. Acceleration

9.4. Inertia

10. PE

10.1. Badmintion

10.2. Volleyball

10.3. Rocket

10.4. Shuttlecock