Reflection On Risky Play-class activity

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Reflection On Risky Play-class activity by Mind Map: Reflection On Risky Play-class activity

1. Reflecting

1.1. Whats good

1.1.1. Play outdoors - even when its wet

1.2. What needs to change

1.2.1. Controlling risk

1.2.2. Give more opportunities in less controlled activities

1.2.3. Give more freedom Assess the level of risk Give them more opportunity

1.3. Experimenting Risk- problem solving, experimenting etc.

2. Experimenting and Implementing

2.1. leaders can ask critical questions

2.2. teachers can make changes based on evaluation

2.3. teachers can let the children play outside when its wet

2.3.1. demonstrate activities engage with children more

3. Planned Activities-Not Free

4. Experience

4.1. Children can play outside

4.2. Staff are worried about safety

4.3. Planned activities

4.4. Highly supervised activities

4.5. Children enjoy being outside

5. Reading

5.1. Risky Play Benefits

5.1.1. Don't eliminate Risks

5.1.2. Develop positive listening and responding

5.1.3. Able to justify risks

5.1.4. Builds confidence

5.1.5. Increases Strength and co-ordination

5.2. Zoi

5.2.1. Encouraging risky play in school

5.2.2. Able to judge risk for themselves

5.2.3. More research needed e.g. practical observations rather than theory