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Hour 4 Bivalves por Mind Map: Hour 4 Bivalves

1. Life Cycle/Reproduction

1.1. Bivalves reproduce sexually, there are both male and female bivalves

1.2. External Fertilzation- They release eggs and sperm into the water. The female can release thousands of eggs at a time because of the small success rate

1.3. First Stage- The larva "swims" through the water

1.4. When conditions are right, the organism burrows into the ground, where they will grow for their life

1.5. After a few months-years of growth, the adults will release their eggs or sperm

2. Respiration

2.1. Bivalves breathe through their gills, taking oxygen in from water

2.2. Most gills are located in the mantle cavity. Or on their foot.

3. Circulation

3.1. *Bivalves have a open circulatory system

3.2. Scallops They have blood that is pumped through their body by veins and their form of a heart.

4. Movement

4.1. oysters spend most of their life attached to something and use their cilia to get stuff.

4.2. scallops move by clapping their two shells together, and dance through the water.

4.3. mussels and clams don't move much but they can slowly move along by using their foot to inch there way somewhere.

5. Anatomy

5.1. anatomy is

5.1.1. heart, brain, foot, gonads, intestine, gills, kidney, mouth, anus. shell

5.1.2. heart, brain, foot, gonads

6. Senses/Response

6.1. Mollusk: *Can taste water with chemo-receptors *Can feel when things touch them *Have statocysts

6.2. Clams

6.3. Oysters

6.4. Bivalves: *No brain with a nerve network *Close shell when detecting a light change

6.5. Scallops: *can swim away by rapidly opening and closing shells together

7. Food/Digestion

7.1. Filter Feeder

7.2. feed on plankton

7.3. enters the stomach then goes to intestine and gets absorb. Then excreted through gills or siphon