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Plane Game by Mind Map: Plane Game

1. Different Levels

1.1. The levels will become harder for the player the further they advance in the game

1.1.1. More enemies will come down faster and the bosses will be harder

2. Planes

2.1. The plane will adjust to suit the time period its in, so going back to World War 2, it will look the same as the planes back then

3. Game name

3.1. Time Flight

4. Genre

4.1. Shooting

4.2. Action

4.3. Sc-Fi

5. Create the game in gamemaker

5.1. Game will be completely done in 2D

6. Platform

6.1. Online

6.1.1. PC Phone App

7. Sound

7.1. Arcade style sound

8. Different Time Periods

8.1. Future

8.2. Present day

8.3. Both world wars

9. Game Setting

9.1. Time Travel Game

9.1.1. Player is in a plane that travels through time

10. Gameplay

10.1. Shoot down enemies with the plane

10.2. Player has to shoot down enemies in order to gain points

10.2.1. Each enemy is worth 5 points Bosses worth 20 points

10.3. Players have 60 seconds to score as many points as possible

10.4. Players only have one life, after they die they have to restart again from the first level