COVID-19 Sources
by Iván M
1. Coronavirus: A visual guide to the pandemic
2. Dashboards
2.1. COVID-19 Guatemala cases
2.1.1. Credits: INCYT , URL, ESRI
2.1.2. Responsables: Juan Carlos Rosito y Edson Hernandez
2.1.3. Data sources: MSPAS (Official health system). Confirmed cases only.
2.2. COVID-19 Global cases
2.2.1. Data sources: WHO, CDC, ECDC, NHC and DXY and local media reports. Read more in this blog. Contact US. FAQ.
2.2.2. Downloadable database: GitHub: Here. Feature layer: Here.
2.3. Coronavirus Map: Tracking the Global Outbreak
2.4. COVID-19 Singapore Dashboard
2.5. Genomic epidemiology of novel coronavirus (hCoV-19)
2.6. COVID-19 USA Cases
2.6.1. Coronavirus: Real-time News Updates and Data
2.7. COVID-19 Hong Kong Cases
2.8. COVID-19 Singapore Dashboard
2.9. Our world in data: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
3. Treatments news
3.1. Feb 6, 2020: China Begins Testing an Antiviral Drug in Coronavirus Patients
3.2. Mar 4, 2020: Cómo se trata a los pacientes con coronavirus
3.3. Mar 16, 2020: Trial of Coronavirus Vaccine Made by Moderna Begins in Seattle
3.4. Mar 2020: COVID-19 Drug Therapy –Potential Options
3.5. The famous Cuban interferon vs the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus
3.6. Mar 23, 2020: Covid-19: identifying and isolating asymptomatic people helped eliminate virus in Italian village
4. Health advices
4.1. Stay at home advice - Coronavirus (COVID-19)
4.2. Guía para la elaboración a nivel local - Formulaciones recomendadas por la OMS para la desinfección de las manos
4.3. Alimentación y COVID19
4.4. Handbook of COVID 19 Prevention on Mobile
5. Coronavirus 101
5.1. The Coronavirus Explained & What You Should Do
6. Financial news
6.1. NY Times live
6.2. US Markets
6.3. Stock Market Data - Dow Jones, Nasdaq, S&P 500 - CNNMoney
7. Propagation analysis
7.1. Cuántos casos hay en realidad del COVID19 (4 Gráficas importantes)
7.2. The Exponential Power of Now
7.3. The Coronavirus, by the Numbers
7.5. Epidemic Calculator
7.6. Agent-Based Networks Models for COVID-19 - Online Technical Discussion GroupsWolfram Community
8. COVID-19 Facts
8.1. Persistence of coronaviruses on inanimate surfaces and their inactivation with biocidal agents
8.2. Nextstrain
8.3. Journals
8.3.1. The New England Journal of Medicine
8.4. Help required
8.4.1. COVID-19 Open Research Dataset Challenge (CORD-19)
9. Government responses
9.1. Singapore
9.2. UK
9.3. USA
9.4. Guatemala
9.4.1. Plan para la prevención, contención y respuesta a casos de Coronavirus