by Dion Loke
1. Non-flowering plant
1.1. do not produce flowers
2. Flowering plant
2.1. produce flower
3. need
3.1. air
3.2. water
3.3. food
3.3.1. make its own food chlorophyll in their leaves makes them look green help the plant to trap light, which enables the plants to make food in the presence of light,carbon dixoide and water
4. parts
4.1. Leaf
4.1.1. Makes food for the plant
4.2. Fruit
4.2.1. Contains and protects the seed
4.3. Roots
4.3.1. Absorb water and mineral salts from the soil
4.3.2. Hold the plant firmly to the ground
4.4. Flower
4.4.1. Enables the plant to bear fruits and seeds
4.5. Stem
4.5.1. Hold the plant upright
4.5.2. Supports the branches and leaves
5. shape
5.1. round-shaped
5.1.1. e.g Mango tree
5.2. fan-shaped
5.2.1. e.g Travellers' plam
5.3. cone-shaped
5.3.1. e.g Casuarina tree
5.4. umbrella-shaped
5.4.1. e.g Angsana tree