Prison Reentry and Rehabilitation

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Prison Reentry and Rehabilitation by Mind Map: Prison Reentry and Rehabilitation

1. Introduction

1.1. Starting early, currently all reentry programs start when an inmate is incarcerated, this makes preparation easier.

1.1.1. Reentry and rehabilitation designed to address individuals and not one size fits all. Reassessment of Frameworks, that involves in changing how probation and post-incarceration is monitored.

2. Review of Previous Research

2.1. Nhan et al. 2017, looks at reentry programs and their effectiveness.

2.1.1. Morag & Teman (2018), looks at how religion can help the reentry and rehabilitation program to be more effective. Residorf & Rikard 2018, on the other hand has explored a different point on the aspect of reentry.

3. Policy Effectiveness

3.1. The policy provides safe streets in the sense that prisoners who find effective reentry programs do not resort to crime after reentry.

3.1.1. second chance initiative is important as it changes the attitude of the clients/ or the reentry individuals. Reentry helps the public system to achieve public safety.

4. Recommendations

4.1. Evidence based developed systems; since at the moment there is adequate research in this area it is important that systems that will be developed in future should look at previous research and how it was successful or not.

4.1.1. Secondly Reentry should be digitized, every aspect in our society therefore it makes sense where by reentry programs are also digitized it will help to make the policy much more effective. Thirdly religion implementation in the reentry programs should be intensified, as through evidence; religion has proven to be effective, in the rehabilitation and reentry of the clients back to the society (Morag & Teman, 2018).

5. Conclusions

5.1. One aspect that affect the effectiveness of the reentry programs is generalization.

5.1.1. The reentry programs seem to be a product of financial implications of the states rather than the greater good of reducing the incarceration numbers. Reentry has not been digitized whereby in this day an era every functioning aspect of our lives/society is on the internet.