Peter Attia Longevity Framework

Framework from Peter Attia for Longevity to increase HealthSpan and LifeSpan

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Peter Attia Longevity Framework создатель Mind Map: Peter Attia Longevity Framework

1. Nutritional Biochemistry

1.1. dietary restriction (DR)

1.2. caloric restriction (CR)

1.3. time restriction (TR)

2. Exercise physiology

2.1. Stability

2.2. Strength

2.3. Anaerobic peak

2.4. Aerobic efficiency

3. Sleep physiology

3.1. Duration

3.2. Deepness

3.3. Efficiency

3.4. Сonsistency

4. Distress tolerance

4.1. Meditation

5. Exogenous molecules

5.1. Supplements

5.2. Hormones

5.3. Drugs