Factors That Affect Populations

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Factors That Affect Populations by Mind Map: Factors That Affect Populations

1. Predation

1.1. Species A benefits from Species B being harmed

2. Predator

2.1. Is benefited by eating prey

3. Parasitism

3.1. Symbiotic relationship where Species A adapts structurally to Species B to take the nutrients it gives

4. Prey

4.1. Is harmed by being eaten by a predator

5. Commensalism

5.1. Species A is benefited while B is unaffected

6. Symbiosis

6.1. Two organisms living in close and benefiting each other

7. Parasite

7.1. Benefits from taking nutrients from a host

8. Host

8.1. The species that the parasite gets it food and energy source from; Sometimes harmed by the parasite

9. Mutualism

9.1. Species A and B are both benefited