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health by Mind Map: health

1. disease

1.1. defence

1.1.1. vaccination

1.1.2. safe sex

1.1.3. radiotherapy

1.2. causes

1.2.1. germs bacteria viruses Fungi protozoa

1.2.2. food contamination

1.3. signs

1.3.1. fever

1.3.2. cough

1.3.3. rash

1.3.4. headache

1.3.5. pain

1.4. transmission of infectious diseases

1.4.1. direct contact (contagious d.)

1.4.2. sexual intercourse (STD)

1.4.3. emissions from nuclear devices

1.4.4. radio waves in telecomunications

1.4.5. droplets from a cough or sneeze

1.5. consequences

1.5.1. death

1.5.2. disabilities

1.5.3. social problems

1.5.4. pain

2. hygiene

2.1. washing hands

2.2. staying home when ill

2.3. wearing a mask during epidemic

2.4. incubation period

3. healthy lifestyle

4. immune system

4.1. immunodoficiency

4.2. allergies

4.2.1. pollen, insect bites,...

4.3. autoimmune disorders

4.3.1. diabetes