Anishnabeg Outreach - Family Centre

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Anishnabeg Outreach - Family Centre by Mind Map: Anishnabeg Outreach - Family Centre

1. Services and Programs

1.1. -Languages and cultural teachings -Cultural immersion -Grandparents program -Land based learning -Technology (Children and technology, online safety) -Art based programs (Music, dance drama, visual art)

1.2. Their programs are based with a "holistic, Indigenous lead and focused pedagogy concentrated on providing a friendly environment that fosters learning, mentoring and development, and provides support to parents, families and caregivers."

1.3. There are also a variety of programs offered for parents

1.3.1. -Parent Education Programs (connecting through baby massage, postpartum support, how to support your child in school, how to manage a crying child, getting your child ready for kindergarten, supporting a child with ADHD or FAS). -Early learning and development -Food Education (How to introduce solids, making your own baby food, raising a happy healthy eater, culturally relevant foods) -Prenatal Classes -Grandmother/Grandfather programs

2. Addressing Inclusion, Equity, Historically Marginalized Groups

2.1. The program as stated on the website is accessible by all children 0-6

2.2. The centre ultimately has a focus on Indigenous Students and their parents (a historically marginalized group)

2.3. They do include a focus though on the variety of First Nations, Inuit and Métis teachings

2.3.1. First Nations Holistic Learning Model

2.3.2. Métis Holistic Lifelong Learning Model

2.3.3. Inuit Holistic Lifelong Learning Model

3. How to Access Services?

3.1. Anishnabeg Outreach - Family Centre

3.2. Family Centre 236 Woodhaven Rd Kitchener, ON Phone: (519)-208-5333 Monday-Thursday : 9 AM to 4:00 PM

3.3. Check out the blog

3.3.1. AOFamilyCentre

3.4. Contact Us: [email protected]

4. Visions and Goals

4.1. "Our vision is to be a beacon for all First People living here now and into the future"

4.2. "delivering life long learning opportunities and social space for families with a special emphasis on supporting those first few years of life. We will be focused on providing Indigenous lead and developed programs associated with traditional and land-based wisdoms and skills."

4.3. Some goals include: building spirit and fostering an inclusive community.

4.4. They are apart of the Early Childhood and Family Centres across Ontario

5. Focus

5.1. "We provide services geared toward healing, wellness and empowerment for Indigenous families, holistic and inclusively for First Nations, Metis and Inuit (FNMI) in the region to learn, gather, and celebrate our shared heritage and our common challenges."