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Coronavirus [COVID-19] by Mind Map: Coronavirus [COVID-19]

1. 2. Restricted Movement Order & How It Can Have A Toll On One's Mental Health & Well-Being

1.1. It's effects on one's mental health and well-being

1.1.1. In times like these, it is all the more important to take care of one's mental health as it is very easy for one to have their mental health affected negatively.

1.1.2. Common mental health concerns due to the restricted movement order can range from anxiety and anger, to sleep disturbances, depression and PTSD.

1.1.3. One may start to fear and worry more about their own health, and have difficulty concentrating or sleeping.

1.1.4. In severe cases, one may even go through changes in their sleep or eating patterns, and increase their use of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs.

1.2. What is it

1.2.1. In a move that was unthinkable just months ago, the restricted movement order has been put into action as the government makes a concerted effort to prevent the coronavirus from spreading any further.

1.2.2. The lock down will last for 13 days, from 18th March 2020 to 31st March 2020.

1.2.3. It prevents mass movements and gatherings across the country, sanctions preventing all Malaysians from travelling abroad, restricting tourists and foreign visitors into the country, closure of all schools and institutions and all government and private premises except those involved in essential services.

2. 3. How Working From Home Affects Productivity & Motivation Levels

2.1. Is it really true that working from home increases productivity rates?

2.1.1. Despite all the comforts one can find at home, it would be understandable if remote workers were to be less productive, yet the opposite is true.

2.1.2. Research shows that people who worked from home work at a higher productivity rate and live a healthier lifestyles than those who worked at an office.

2.1.3. Not only that, those working from home had did not have to sacrifice their day for their daily commutes and had the ability to spend more time doing the things they liked or wanted to.

2.1.4. A study done by Airtasker study shows that telecommuters worked 1.4 more days every month, or 16.8 more days every year than people who worked in an office. Though, it must be made clear that this is only true for those who are self-disciplined, focused and goal-oriented when carrying out their work.

2.1.5. Therefore, on a personal level, it would be safe to say that due to the coronavirus outbreak, I am more productive when it comes to completing my assignments and work.

2.2. Cons of Working from Home

2.2.1. One of the downsides to this however, is that working from home may make it more difficult for one to meet someone else physically as everything will have to be done digitally, from doing your work to contacting and talking to people.

2.3. Losing motivation to complete work due to the fact that you have to work from home?

2.3.1. Working from home comes with distractions, a lack of routine and sometimes, loneliness. This might mean that one might not be as motivated to complete their work due to the environment they are in, which is why it is important to stay self disciplined in order to remain productive.

2.3.2. Steps on how to stay motivated to finish your work despite working from home. Act as though you are going to work. Make sure that your work environment is clean and that it is similar to office space, so that you will be able to focus better. Stay focused on your goals with schedules Divide your work and check in with your colleagues Maintain your focus span by taking breaks from time to time, and reward yourself at the end of each task.


4. 1. What Is It All About?

4.1. Brief History

4.1.1. Dec 31, WHO is alerted by Chinese officials about dozens of pneumonia-like cases in Wuhan.

4.1.2. Eventually, other countries like Korea, Thailand and Japan report their first cases of the new coronavirus.

4.1.3. Jan 23, China places Wuhan under quarantine, cancelling all flights and trains departing from the city.

4.1.4. Mar 11, WHO declares COVID-19 as a pandemic, causing countries across the globe close their borders and carry out lockdowns.

4.2. Origin

4.2.1. It is suspected that COVID-19 came from bats, in which the virus got passed onto other animals, and finally onto humans in a seafood market at Wuhan, China.

4.3. Symptoms

4.3.1. Cough

4.3.2. Fever

4.3.3. Tiredness

4.3.4. Difficulty breathing (severe cases)

4.4. Prevention

4.4.1. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water

4.4.2. Cover your nose and mouth with a disposable tissue when sneezing or coughing

4.4.3. Avoid close contact (1 meter away) and stay home and self-isolate

5. 4. COVID-19 & The Economy

5.1. How The Economy Has Been Severely Affected due to COVID-19

5.1.1. Globally, the coronavirus shock is as severe as the Great Financial Crisis that occured in 2007-08. The global economy is currently undergoing a rececission due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

5.1.2. Households and smaller businesses are very vulnerable and at high risk, making it crucial for policymakers act quick in order to mitigate the impact of this severe shock.

5.1.3. Graph that shows how China's industrial production and retail sales dropped tremendously. (click on image to zoom)

5.1.4. Global GDP growth has begun to slow down in response to the outbreak as well. Supply chains are faltering almost every industry has slowed down significantly, if not been put at a halt.

5.1.5. Furthermore, demand for critical factors in the global economy, like oil and aviation has plummeted, putting airline companies and countries who sell oil at great risk of financial loss.

5.2. Stakeholders & How They Are Affected

5.2.1. Business Owners Due to lock downs and enforced social distancing, almost every type of business, including restaurants, retail stores except those in the essential services have to close their business, reducing their sales, leading to a decrease in revenue/profit.

5.2.2. Investors As the stock market is volatile, caused by panic-trading, the value of stocks are depreciating rapidly, making investors lose thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars by the week.

5.2.3. Employees As business owners may not have sufficient cash flow for the month, they may be unable to pay their employees and face the risk of getting laid off due to the incapability of business owners to pay the salary of their workers.

5.2.4. Governments The government has to now increase their budget expenditures on healthcare, especially on medical supplies like respirators and masks. Not only that, as businesses are forced to close, tax collection will definitely be lower than standard, reducing the total sum of money the government can use to improve its country's infrastructure.

5.3. How COVID-19 is Affecting the Stock Market

5.3.1. The stock market has become very volatile due to traders panic-selling out of fear because of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, market-wide circuit-breakers, which are meant to prevent panic-trading has been triggered four times just in March. Markets all around the world, especially in asia has collapsed, while a crash in oil prices continues to raise panic. Investors are starting to take out their money from the shares they have invested and are now placing them into safe havens, which has caused the price of gold to rise significantly.

5.4. How COVID-19 has affected the Demand & Supply of essential products

5.4.1. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, there has been a huge demand for food products. This is caused by fear, as people start to panic buy and hoard large amounts of food, driving up the price of food and driving down the supply available to the public. This is not only for food, but for products like masks, cooking supply, medicine and toilet supplies.

5.5. Economic Growth

5.5.1. The economic growth of countries are also facing a decline as the amount of resources available to them are now slowly diminishing. Due to factories being forced to close, the increasing trade restrictions and the increasing number workers being laid off, this causes a decline in economic growth. In a PPF chart, this would cause it to shift to the left, indicating a decrease in economic growth, which is the case for almost every country in the world, like the USA or China.