by Jim Arrington
1. Needs
1.1. 47in+ Flat panels-all rooms
1.1.1. Connected with air boards
1.1.2. Connected with teacher computer
1.1.3. Training for air boards/mobis
1.2. Upgrade Teacher computers (laptops)
1.2.1. syn TC to copy machine
1.3. Connect lunchroon/gym w/wireless
1.4. Upgrade of software
1.4.1. Windows
1.4.2. Office
1.4.3. Sync STI w/ EnGrade
1.4.4. New node
1.5. Continuous IT help
1.6. Dedicated line for fax/ possible internet
1.7. Gr 1-6 computer lab / alphasmarts / NEO2
2. Present Problems
2.1. No spare computers
2.2. Qustionable routers/switches
2.3. Loss of info/programs
2.4. email (not good)
2.5. Internet inconsistent
3. Present Capabilities
3.1. Small number of computers in classrooms
3.2. Each teacher w/ computer (some using own)
3.3. Some rooms with flat panels
3.3.1. mostly 37 inch
3.3.2. more w/o than with
3.4. 20+ computers in lab
3.5. 5 computers in library
3.6. 2 computers in office
3.6.1. One in Head's office
3.6.2. One shared by Ms. Patty & Ms. Joanna
4. Present Projects
4.1. Payment of Tuition
4.1.1. In Place
4.1.2. Began Use in Feb
4.1.3. Will move to new website
4.2. Training
4.2.1. EnGrade
4.2.2. Use of Google Apps
4.3. Website
4.3.1. Ready for Contract
4.3.2. Training (summer)
4.3.3. Operating June 1