Chris McCandless: Courageous & Noble

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Chris McCandless: Courageous & Noble by Mind Map: Chris McCandless: Courageous & Noble

1. Even though it appeared as though his actions were all impulsive, I believe that Chris McCandless's actions were purposeful and reflective of the true nature of his character.

2. BP 1

2.1. He was brave enough to did what Alaskan Natives wouldn't even dare to do.

2.2. "The prevailing Alaskan wisdom held that McCandless was simply one more dreamy half-cocked greenhorn who went into the country expecting to find answers to all his problems and instead found only mosquitoes and a lonely death" (Krakauer 72).

2.3. Bravery is an admirable trait and it was an important part of Chris's character. Without bravery, Chris never would've gone off into the world with so little preparation. He was unafraid to take on some of the biggest challenges life can offer. This quote demonstrates that concept because it talks about how even the people who have lived in Alaska all their lives were not brave enough to go into the Alaskan wilderness like Chris did.

3. BP 2

3.1. He was an extremely intelligent individual and he used his intelligence to his advantage.

3.2. "As an eight-year-old, he grew vegetables behind the house in Annandale and then sold them door-to-door around the neighborhood. "Here was this cute little boy pulling a wagon full of beans and tomatoes and peppers," says Carine. "Who could resist? And Chris knew it. He'd have this look on his face like 'I'm damn cute! Want to buy some beans?' By the time he came home, the wagon would be empty, and he'd have a bunch of money in his hand" (Krakauer 116).

3.3. His intelligence spanned much farther than just intellectual ability. He was also very talented at things that would never suspect and he was very charismatic as well. These were important qualities for him because they enabled him to make his way in the world. His level of intelligence

4. BP 3

4.1. He had an extremely strong moral compass, which enabled him to form such strong and important bonds with people that he met on his journeys.

4.2. "On weekends, when his high school pals were attending "keggers" and trying to sneak into Georgetown bars, McCandless would wander the seedier quarters of Washington, chatting with prostitutes and homeless people, buying them meals, earnestly suggesting ways that they might improve their lives" (Krakauer 113).

4.3. The fact that Chris had such a strong moral compass was proof enough that his journey to Alaska was more than just a stupid and impulsive decision. Everything that Chris did was done with heart. He always fully invested himself into everything he did. This quote is the perfect example of just how strong Chris's sense of empathy was. This strong sense of empathy was key in helping Chris have such a lasting impact on the people he met during his travels. The relationships he formed along the way