Made to Stick: Chapter 4 to 6

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Made to Stick: Chapter 4 to 6 por Mind Map: Made to Stick: Chapter 4 to 6

1. Emotional

1.1. Save the Children example

1.1.1. People given money to donate after writing a survey. One group got statistics about problem in Africa. Another group got info on how they can help Rokia, a little girl in Africa. The second group donated more.

1.2. Anti-smoking Ad campaign

1.2.1. Teens piling body bags outside tobacco HQ. At the end of the ad it reveals all this people have been killed by smoking every day. Taps into emotion common in teenagers --> anti-authority resentment. Teens now rebel against The Man by not smoking.

1.3. Sportsmanship

1.3.1. Positive Coaching Alliance founder wanted to get the idea of sportsmanship in coaches heads. Tapped into the emotion of love for the game. Being unsportsmanlike dishonours the sport.


1.5. Appeal to Self-Interest

1.5.1. Done in many headlines and slogans to get people to buy their product.

1.5.2. Cable example. When cable was new, one ad appealed to self-interest by saying what it would do for 'you'. Other ad just stated the features of the product. This is the difference between Apple and RIM in my opinion, with Apple appealing to self-interest and RIM appealing to features. Apple is way more successful.

1.6. Dining in Iraq

1.6.1. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Chef in Iraq considered himself in charge of the morale of the troops over there. He made the dining occasion special for the troops and they loved it. He affected the Transcendence level of the Hierarchy of needs.

1.7. Teachers convincing students of why they need Algebra

1.7.1. One method gave them all the technical uses of Algebra. Another method told them why they needed it in terms of their own life and career path. A third method said 'MATH IS MENTAL WEIGHT TRAINING'. This last example captures even higher level of Maslow's Hierarchy.

1.8. Texas anti-littering campaign

1.8.1. Don't Mess with Texas Campaign got a whole bunch of famous, tough Texans on board to show that littering wasn't cool. Ads were focused on Texans and toughness of Texans. Proved to be very effective ad campaign.

2. Stories

2.1. Nurse saving babies life, despite what doctor was saying

2.1.1. This story inspires people to go with their gut instinct sometimes. Very powerful story.

2.2. Xerox lunchroom

2.2.1. Xerox mechanics talked about repair story using technical terms. To them it was interesting, dramatic story because they could relate and learn from it. To anyone else it would be boring and not relevant.

2.3. No such thing as a passive audience. People picture stories in their heads as they hear them. It is natural for human beings to do this.

2.4. Simulating past-events is much more effective than trying to simulate future outcomes.

2.4.1. Mental simulations help us imagine emotions.

2.4.2. Mental simulations help us with problem-solving.

2.4.3. Mental simulations help us build skills.

2.5. Dealing with problem students

2.5.1. One example gave instructions on how to deal with problem student. Another example told a story. The story was better because it allowed the audience to simulate the problems-solving actions in the story.

2.6. Subway: Tale of Jared

2.6.1. Story of Jared losing tons of weight on a Subway sandwich diet. Inspirational. Relatively easy to imagine taking on a Subway diet. The story is Simple, Unexpected, Concrete, Credible, Emotional, and its a Story. We don't always have to create sticky ideas, we can go out and find them.

2.7. Three basic plots: Challenge, Connection, Creativity

2.7.1. Challenge Obstacles seem daunting to the protagonist. These plots inspire people to act.

2.7.2. Connection People who develop a relationship that bridge a gap. This plots are all about relationships with other people.

2.7.3. Creativity Involves someone making a mental breakthrough, solving long-standing puzzle, or tackling a problem in an innovative way. It inspires people to thing creatively.

3. Credible

3.1. Ulcer/Bacteria example

3.1.1. No one would believe that antibiotics cured ulcers. The medical researcher poisoned himself with bacteria to prove his point. They had to do something drastic to prove their credibility.

3.2. Finding Credibility

3.2.1. Flesh Eating Bacteria Email Food and Drug Administration, Manheim Research Institute added credibility. They are authority figures in this situation. Eventually, email said it was approved by Centres for Disease Control.

3.3. Anti-smoking Ad

3.3.1. Pam Laffin, antiauthority Talked about how smoking negatively affected her life. Her story was very powerful and influential. Her experience gave her credibility.

3.4. Boyfriend's Death

3.4.1. Famous urban legend about how boyfriend goes missing on date and ends up hanging on top of the car. Credibility is in the details of this story. Everyone that hears this story remembers the vivid details. This is why it has circulated as an urban legend.

3.5. Court Case

3.5.1. Jurors had to decide whether child should remain in mother's care it fictitious. Two groups. One told tale with more detail (Darth Vader Toothbrush). The group that got more detail were more likely to think the mother was a suitable parent.

3.6. Beyond War, BB metaphor

3.6.1. The spokesperson wanted to emphasize the impact of nuclear weapons. He used the sound of BBs dropped into a metal bucket to get his point across. Very effective. Metaphor added credibility.

3.7. Human-Scale Principle

3.7.1. Humans are better at understanding scales that are relatable to them Number of people statistics --> relate to soccer team. Distance from Earth to Sun --> relate to distance between LA and New York

3.7.2. Use statistics as input in decisions, not output

3.8. Shark Attack Hysteria

3.8.1. Which is more likely to kill you? Shark or Deer Deer 300 more times likely to kill you. Key pInt is that when using statistics, the less we rely on the actual numbers to better.

3.9. Wendy's --> Where's the beef?

3.9.1. Testable credential Wendy's said their burger had more beef than the Whooper or Big Mac. This fact is testable by the audience. This adds credibility. Snapple KKK rumor If you look on Snapple bottle, there is K symbol and 'slavery' boat.