Chinese Dynasties

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Chinese Dynasties by Mind Map: Chinese Dynasties

1. Tang

1.1. Invented Woodblock printing, timekeeping, mechanical engineering, medicine,and structural engineering.

1.2. Lasted from 618 to 907

1.3. Created a more stable economy by giving land to the peasants and breaking up large estates.

1.4. Restored the civil service examination

1.5. Expanded territory into modern day Tibet

2. Yuan

2.1. United China for the first time in 300 years

2.2. It was a period of time when China was under the rule of the Mongol Empire.

2.3. ruled China from 1279 to 1368

2.4. It was established by Kublai Khan, leader of the vast Mongol Empire

2.5. The Yuan rulers encouraged advancement in technology and transportation. They also encouraged arts such as ceramics, painting, and drama

3. Qing

3.1. Invented legalism, multiplication table, crossbow, and irrigation.

3.2. During the Qin Dynasty China was united.

3.3. Ruled from 400 B.C.E. to 221 B.C.E.

3.4. Ordered a system of roads to be built throughout the empire, reduced the power of the landed aristocrats, and created a single monetary system.

3.5. Expanded the borders of China

4. Han

4.1. Confucian principles became the basis for the government

4.2. Introduced the civil service examination

4.3. Population increased from 20 million to 60 million

4.3.1. Led to a reduction in the size of a land person owned

4.4. Han rulers expanded territory

4.5. The only two rulers in this dynasty were father and and son and through conscripted labor built the Grand canal

5. Ming

5.1. Ruled from 1644-1912 CE

5.2. This dynasty had 300 to 400 million people living in China

5.2.1. Because of a population boom

5.3. It was the last imperial dynasty of China ruled by Han Chinese

5.4. The population doubled

5.5. The Ming dynasty was so prosperous and successful due the invention of woodblock color printing

6. Shang

6.1. Invented Writing, bronze technology, and use of chariot and bronze weapons.

6.2. Social order placed the king at the top, then the aristocracy, merchants and artisans,peasants, and slaves.

6.3. Ruled from 1750 B.C.E. to 1045 B.C.E.

6.4. The Shang Empire spread along the Yellow River Basin primarily. The Shang capital was Anyang.

6.5. Trade was abundant during Shang dynasty. Cowrie shells, a type of seashell, was used as money.

7. Zhou

7.1. Invented Compass, gunpowder, paper-making, and printing.

7.2. It was the longest ruling in Chinese history from 1045 B.C.E. to 256 B.C.E.

7.3. The government bureaucracy expanded

7.4. The king ruled by a mandate or authority to command

7.5. The Zhou provided the right to revolution

8. Song

8.1. Rose to power in 960 until 1279

8.2. Period of prosperity and cultural achievments

8.3. Government was based provinces, districts, and villages

8.4. Lost control over Tibet and moved their capital

8.5. In the 1200s, the Mongols took over control over China for 70 years

9. Sui

9.1. Launched a decade-long military campaign to reunify China proper

9.2. Ruled from 618-906 CE

9.3. It had the most stable government and was considered a hyperempire

9.4. They expanded the Great wall and Built the Grand Canal

9.5. United China again under one rule. It would succeed in unifying all of China after almost 200.

10. Qin

10.1. Legalism was adopted as the official ideology of the regime, or the government in power

10.2. The first dynasty of Imperial China

10.3. The Qin dynasty was brief in duration

10.4. Ruled from 221-206 BCE

10.5. Two of the achievements of this dynasty is the creation of the Great Wall and a large army of Terracotta Warriors.