Globalization Climate change

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Globalization Climate change por Mind Map: Globalization Climate change

1. Our fate: globalization (not protectionism)

2. Equality

2.1. Expectations

3. 4th Thesis

3.1. Climate change

3.1.1. domination of nature

3.2. Cosmopolitan momentum

3.3. Dissolving inequalities

4. Wrong questions are asked

4.1. About stability and not about change

5. Dicotomy

6. National boundaries

6.1. The Western society

6.2. The non-Western society

7. Power

7.1. difused and transferred to markets

8. Cosmopolitan renewal of sociology

9. Inequality

9.1. Growing

9.2. Consequences of climate change

10. Ephocal transformation

10.1. Equality

10.2. Inequality

11. 1st Thesis

11.1. Worldwide expectation

11.2. Problems, conflict

11.2.1. Politics

12. 2nd Thesis

12.1. border-transcending interaction

12.1.1. links

12.2. inter-connection

12.2.1. Session Rule 1

12.2.2. Session Rule 2

12.3. networks

12.4. boundaries that do not coincide

13. 3rd Thesis

13.1. Force of nature against social vulnerability