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Brainstorming by Mind Map: Brainstorming

1. Action Points

1.1. sdfsdfs

1.2. sdfsf

2. Prioritize Ideas

2.1. High Priority

2.2. Medium Priority

2.3. Low Priority

3. denene

4. xdfgsdf

5. New node

5.1. New node

6. New node

7. Problem 2

8. Plan

8.1. sdf

8.1.1. sdf

8.1.2. sdf

8.2. sdf

8.2.1. Session Rule 1

8.2.2. Session Rule 2

8.3. Define Problems

8.4. Capture Ideas

8.5. Prioritize Ideas

8.6. Define Action Points

9. Problem

9.1. Problem 1

10. dfdd

10.1. Idea 1

10.1.1. Sub Idea 1

10.1.2. Sub Idea 2

10.2. Idea 2

10.3. Idea 3

10.4. Idea 4

11. xTRO