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Greed von Mind Map: Greed

1. History of Anthony Orsatti

1.1. How his painting reflects greed

1.2. his life during the time of the painting

1.3. the U.S. During the time of this painting

1.4. the world during the time of his painting

2. History of William Shakespeare

2.1. How "Julius Caesar" reflects greed

2.2. His life during the time of Julius Caesar

2.3. Why he wrote Julius Caesar

2.4. The WOrld during the time of Julius Caesar

2.5. The U.S. during the time of Julius Caesar

3. History of Edgaar Allan Poe

3.1. Why he wrote the Masque of the red Death

3.2. His life during the time that he wrote the Masque of the red death

3.3. The U.S. during the time of Masque of Red Death

3.4. The World during time of Masque of Red Death

3.5. How Masque of the red death reflects greed

4. Bridge the gap...

4.1. How the authors compliment each other

4.2. How the authors works compliment the painter