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Olympus por Mind Map: Olympus

1. Inter Olympus

1.1. basketball

1.2. basketball

1.3. football

1.4. football

1.5. throwball

1.6. volleyball

2. Intra Olympus

2.1. Indoor

2.1.1. table tennis

2.1.2. chess

2.1.3. carrom

2.1.4. table tennis

2.1.5. carrom

2.2. Outdoor

2.2.1. cricket

2.2.2. football

2.2.3. football

2.2.4. badminton

2.2.5. badminton

2.2.6. throwball

2.2.7. volleyball

2.2.8. dodgeball

2.2.9. athletics

2.2.10. tug of war

2.2.11. tug of war