Multiple Intelligence by Howard Gardner

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Multiple Intelligence by Howard Gardner by Mind Map: Multiple Intelligence by Howard Gardner

1. Bodily kinesthetic

1.1. Ability to use one’s own body skillfully/ as a medium of expression to solve a problem.

1.1.1. Characteristics - Good at dancing and sports - Enjoys creating things with his or her hands - Excellent physical coordination - Tends to remember by doing, rather than hearing or seeing.

1.1.2. Careers - Dancer - Builder - Sculptor - Actor

2. Interpersonal

2.1. Looks at the sensitivity one has toward along with their ability to work well with and understand others.

2.1.1. Characteristics - Good at communicating verbally - Skilled at nonverbal communication - Sees situations from different perspectives - Creates positive relationships with others - Good at resolving conflict in groups.

2.1.2. Careers - Psychologist - Philosopher - Counselor - Salesperson - Politician

3. Existentialist

3.1. Contemplate yourself in connection to the rest of the universe.

3.1.1. Characteristics - Ability to use meta-cognition to explore the unknown Artist - Connection of everything in the known and unknown universe - Curious about the big questions

3.1.2. Characteristics - Astrophysicist - Scientist - Astronaut

4. Musical

4.1. Very strong in musical and good with sounds.

4.1.1. Characteristics - Enjoys singing and playing musical instruments. - Recognizes musical patterns and tones easily - Good at remembering songs and melodies - Rich understanding of musical structure, rhythm, and notes.

4.1.2. Careers - Musician - Composer - Singer - Music teacher - Conductor

5. Visual-Spatial

5.1. Ability to create a visual image of a potential project, and then act on that vision and understanding through pictures and to see something in “mind’s eyes” and act on it.

5.1.1. Characteristics - Enjoys reading and writing - Good at putting puzzles together - Good at interpreting pictures, graphs, and charts - Enjoys drawing, painting, and the visual arts - Recognizes patterns easily

5.1.2. Careers - Architect - Artist - Engineer

6. Intrapersonal

6.1. Own ability to understand,work and communiciate with ourselves as opposed to other people

6.1.1. Characteristics - Good at analyzing his or her strengths and weaknesses - Enjoys analyzing theories and ideas - Excellent self-awareness - Clearly understands the basis for his or her own motivations and feelings

6.1.2. Careers - Philosopher - Writer - Theorist - Scientis

6.1.3. may often go against the grain

7. Naturalistic

7.1. Ability to distinguish among living things such as different types of plants/animals as our ability to understand weather, geology and animals

7.1.1. Characteristics - Interested in subjects such as botany, biology, and zoology - Good at categorizing and cataloging information easily - May enjoy camping, gardening, hiking, and exploring the outdoors - Doesn’t enjoy learning unfamiliar topics that have no connection to nature.

7.1.2. Careers - Biologist - Conservationist - Gardener - Farmer

8. Verbal- Linguistics

8.1. Able to use words well

8.1.1. Characteristics - Good at remembering written and spoken information - Enjoys reading and writing - Good at debating or giving persuasive speeches - Able to explain things well - Often uses humor when telling stories

8.1.2. Careers - Writer/journalist - Lawyer - Teacher

9. Logical mathematical

9.1. Ability to work with numbers, understand patterns and reason critically when confronted with problems

9.1.1. Characteristics - Excellent problem-solving skills - Enjoys thinking about abstract ideas - Likes conducting scientific experiments - Good at solving complex computations

9.1.2. Careers - Scientist - Mathematician - Computer programmer - Engineer - Accountant