My Future Self 10 Years From Now

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My Future Self 10 Years From Now by Mind Map: My Future Self 10 Years From Now

1. To Graduate in College

1.1. Have my Diploma

1.1.1. Become an Engineer

1.1.2. Civil Engineer / Electronics Engineer

1.1.3. To work on site

1.1.4. Design / Build my own house

1.1.5. Construct and Maintain infrastructure projects

1.1.6. Love, value and appreciate my work

1.1.7. Become Successful

1.1.8. Engr. Ma. Cassandra Antoinette E. Romo

2. Married Life

2.1. Married at the age of 28

2.1.1. Church / Beach wedding

2.1.2. Sunset views

2.1.3. Become financially stable

2.1.4. Have our own house and cars

2.1.5. Enjoy the company of my future wife

2.1.6. Stable Relationship

2.1.7. Have our own kids at the age of 30

2.1.8. Feeling of contentment

3. Hobbies / Passions

3.1. Social Dancing

3.2. Fitness Training

3.3. Movie Watching

3.4. Being Active

4. To Travel

4.1. Visit and appreciate the beauty of Hawaii

4.1.1. Oahu Hanuama Bay

4.1.2. Maui Waterfall

4.1.3. Kauai The Blue Room

4.2. Visit other countries

4.2.1. South Korea

4.2.2. Brazil

4.2.3. Costa Rica

4.2.4. Japan

4.2.5. Fiji

4.2.6. Australia

5. Parents and Siblings

5.1. Take care of my parents

5.2. Give them a house

5.3. Strengthen family bonds

5.4. Help each other