Stargazing/Amateur Astronomy Website

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Stargazing/Amateur Astronomy Website by Mind Map: Stargazing/Amateur Astronomy Website

1. Astronomy Pathfinder / Reviews of Material

1.1. Almanac

1.1.1. 2 Individual Items

1.2. Atlases, gazetteers, other geographic data

1.2.1. 4 Individual Items

1.3. Bibliographies and bibliographic guides

1.4. Dictionaries, thesauri and phrasebooks

1.5. Directories

1.5.1. 1 Item

1.6. Encylopedias

1.7. Handbooks and manuals

1.7.1. 6 Individual Items Additional items available via ILLiad/WorldCat

1.8. Indexes and abstracts / Journal databases and meta-databases

1.9. Yearbooks and periodical sources

1.10. Web resources

1.10.1. 1 Item

2. Image Gallery

2.1. Galaxies

2.1.1. Ellipiticals

2.1.2. Irregular

2.1.3. Multiples Interacting Clusters

2.1.4. Peculiar

2.1.5. Spirals Barred Spirals

2.2. Other

2.2.1. Man and the Universe

2.2.2. Distant Universes

2.3. Planets

2.4. Small Bodies

2.5. Stars

2.5.1. Star Clustars Globular Cluster Open Cluster

2.5.2. Nebula Formation Areas Dark Nebula Emission Nebula Reflection Nebula Planetary Nebula Supernova Remnants

3. Purpose Statement

3.1. New Introduction

3.2. New Scope Statement

3.3. Statement about Project Origins

4. Links to Astronomy Sites

4.1. Academic

4.1.1. NASA

4.1.2. Rocket Mine

4.1.3. Weather Underground

4.2. Fun

4.2.1. ESO

4.2.2. NASA

4.2.3. Rocket Mine

4.3. Involvement

4.3.1. AAVSO

4.3.2. Astronomical Leauge

4.3.3. SETI at Home

4.4. Special

4.4.1. Astronomy Magazine Website

5. Links to Libraries, etc.

5.1. Yearbooks and periodical sources

5.1.1. Link to USF Library

5.1.2. Link to UBorrow

5.1.3. WordCat

5.2. Atlases, gazetteers, other geographic data

5.2.1. Link to USF LIbraraies

5.2.2. Link to UBorrow

5.2.3. Link to WorldCat

5.3. Directories

5.3.1. Link to USF LIbraraies

5.3.2. Link to UBorrow

5.3.3. Link to WorldCat

5.4. Handbooks and manuals

5.4.1. Link to USF LIbraraies

5.4.2. Link to UBorrow

5.4.3. Link to WorldCat

5.5. Alamanacs

5.5.1. Link to USF LIbraraies

5.5.2. Link to UBorrow

5.5.3. Link to WorldCat