Response to Intervention (RTI)

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Response to Intervention (RTI) by Mind Map: Response to Intervention (RTI)

1. Tier 1

1.1. All students receive high-quality, scientifically based instruction.

1.1.1. Universal screening/Standardized testing to identify struggling students Supplemental instruction in the regular education classroom, in which, students receive whole group and small group differentiated instruction. Multi-level instruction Re-teaching to individual or small group of students

1.2. 80-90% of student receive Tier 1 interventions.

1.3. Duration - 8 weeks

1.4. General Education Teacher

1.5. General education classroom

2. Tier 2

2.1. Students in Tier 2 still receive differentiated instruction, as in Tier 1, along with additional targeted instruction that is matched to the need of individual students or small groups.

2.1.1. Students receive this additional instruction from trained school personnel.

2.1.2. Additional instruction varies between groups size, frequency and duration of intervention.

2.2. 5-15%

2.3. 20-30% of students receive supplemental interventions with special educators.

2.4. General Education Teacher/ Trained School Personnel

2.5. Duration 9-12 weeks

2.6. Special education classroom

2.7. General education classroom

3. Tier 3

3.1. Students in Tier 3 still receive Tier 1 differentiated instruction in their general education classroom.

3.1.1. The additional instruction given to student in Tier 3 are individualized intensive interventions that target students skill deficit. The frequency and duration of these interventions are increased. Students receive intensified instruction with trained professionals in addition to the instruction they receive in their general education classroom. Student who do not make adequate progress in Tier 3 are referred for a comprehensive screening and may be eligible for the creation of an Individualized Education Program (IEP). 1. Prereferral 2. Refereal 3. Identification 4. Eligibility 5. Constructing IEP 6. Implementation to IEP

3.2. 1-5% of student receive Tier 3 interventions.

3.3. 80-90 % of student in Tier 3 receive supplemental interventions with special educators.

3.4. Duration unkown

3.5. General Education Teacher/Trained School Personnel

3.6. General education classroom

3.7. Special education classroom