You have piece 8, And Through elaborate, If you use your smarts, And take it in parts, Wi...

The riddle

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You have piece 8, And Through elaborate, If you use your smarts, And take it in parts, With force of Mind, The answer you will find. The first piece is the hook, It tells you the object at which to look. The next three are key to the game, As together they give you the name. But in order to know more, You must unify these last things four. The first thing to do, Is to make the four become two. The key to solve this part of the rhyme, Is that while ‘P’ goes with the prime, The letter ‘L’ stands for …. But this ‘L’ needs a number, too, So you can tell us, ‘Oh, come off it’ said who? ‘ by Mind Map: You have piece 8,   And Through elaborate,   If you use your smarts,   And take it in parts,   With force of Mind,   The answer you will find.      The first piece is the hook,   It tells you the object at which to look.      The next three are key to the game,   As together they give you the name.      But in order to know more,   You must unify these last things four.   The first thing to do,   Is to make the four become two.   The key to solve this part of the rhyme,   Is that while ‘P’ goes with the prime,   The letter ‘L’ stands for ….   But this ‘L’ needs a number, too,   So you can tell us,   ‘Oh, come off it’ said who? ‘

1. Sometimes, I can be made of wood, I certainly do my best to help you look good. I’m normally found inside of your house, You might even share me with your spouse! The most important thing that you need to know, Is that I am all dressed up with nowhere to go.

1.1. wardrob


2. I’m found in Africa and Asia, but I’m not a bird. I like to sleep during the day, but I’m not a bat. I weigh over 100 kilograms, but I’m not a buffalo. I represent a star sign, but I’m not a bull. What am I?

2.1. LION

2.2. NUMBER 2

3. I have lots to say, but I never speak. I always have a cover, but it’s not a disguise. I’m not a tree, but I am made of wood.

3.1. BOOK

3.2. Number 1

4. What was my favourite thing at school? Well now, that would be telling But as I do lots of magic You could say it was spelling, You might find one on a broomstick, Or boiling in the eye of a newt, One of them made snow white sick, By giving her a poisoned fruit


4.2. WITCH