by Avele Matautia
1. Test-Retest Reliability is important in assessment and learning because it evaluates reliability across time.
2. Parallel Forms Reliability is important in assessment and learning because it evaluates different questions and question sets that seek to assess the same construct.
3. Internal Consistent Reliability is important in assessment and learning because it evaluates individual questions in comparison with one another for their ability to give consistently appropriate results.
4. Construct Validity is important in assessment and learning because it determines the extent to which a test measures a concept or construct that is intended to measure.
5. Content Validity is important in assessment and learning because it addresses the match between the test questions an the content or subject area they are intended to assess.
6. Criterion-Related Validity is important in assessment and learning because it addresses the relationship between the test scores and the outcomes.
7. Predictive Validity: It is important in learning and assessment because it uses the test scores to predict future performance.