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ProM IT Team Meeting by Mind Map: ProM IT Team Meeting

1. Welcome!

1.1. We pray you'll have productive time with us iA

1.2. ... and some great ideas too!

2. Participants

2.1. Br. Raneez

2.1.1. Attended

2.2. Br. Tariq

2.2.1. Did not attend

2.3. Br. Aziz

2.3.1. Did not attend

2.4. Sr. Shereen

2.4.1. Attended

2.5. Sr. Lubna

2.5.1. Attended

3. Agenda

3.1. Team Intro; 5-10 mts

3.2. Probation Goals; 25-30 mts

3.3. Any other Actions; 10 mts

3.4. Site Critique; 10 mts

4. Probation Goals

4.1. @Tariq

4.1.1. Build website

4.1.2. Setup WordPress SEO Plugin by Yoast

4.2. @Aziz

4.2.1. Optimize performance on websites

4.2.2. Optimize landing pages Ad page Newsletter page Speaking page Press page Event page eBook

4.2.3. Track paypal conversions via Google Analytics

4.2.4. Configure Search Tracking via Google Analytics

4.2.5. IT Starter Pack Level 1 (Beginners) Level 2 (Intermediate) Level 3 (Advanced)

4.3. @Shereen

4.3.1. vBulletin customization

4.3.2. Add content slider "" on ProR

4.3.3. Install "About Author" plugin

4.3.4. Integrate LiveFyre commenting system (Replace Disqus)

4.3.5. Create a new page for Q&A with FB integration

4.4. @Lubna

4.4.1. Install

4.4.2. Add on ProR

4.4.3. Optimize website footer

4.4.4. Optimize searching using "Relevanssi" search plugin

5. Actions

5.1. Integrate GetClicky

5.2. Add Thesis theme "Feature Box" with opt-in form

5.3. Migrate all image uploads from "/wordpress/wp-content/uploads" to "wp-content/uploads" using Update URLs plugin

5.4. Fix image alignment on Amazon "Recommended Books" widget

5.5. Add favicon to premise landing pages

5.6. Fix Top Articles widget