English for computer science students.

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English for computer science students. by Mind Map: English for computer science students.

1. Software.

1.1. Basic software

1.1.1. The operating system (OS)

1.1.2. Word processing (WP)

1.1.3. Spreadsheets

1.1.4. Databases

1.2. Creative software

1.2.1. Graphics and design

1.2.2. Desctop publishing

1.2.3. Multimedia

1.2.4. Web design

2. The Internet.

2.1. Networks

2.2. Internet security

2.3. Comunication systems


3.1. Tenses

3.1.1. Indefinite

3.1.2. Continuous

3.1.3. Perfect

3.1.4. Perfect-Continuous

3.2. Voices

3.2.1. Active

3.2.2. Passive

3.3. Moods

3.3.1. Conditionals

4. Hardware.

4.1. Input devices

4.1.1. keyboard, mouse, scaner

4.2. Output devices

4.2.1. monitor, printer, speakers

4.3. Storage devices

4.3.1. flash, hard disk, DVD

4.4. Inside the system

5. Computers today.

5.1. Jobs in ICT

5.2. Living in a digital age

5.3. New technologies