Introduction to Information Technology— Hardware, Software, and Telecommunications

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Introduction to Information Technology— Hardware, Software, and Telecommunications by Mind Map: Introduction to  Information  Technology—  Hardware, Software, and  Telecommunications

1. Networking and Telecommunications

1.1. the fact that computers can be linked for sending and receiving data

1.1.1. Internet World Wide Web - allows the linking of multimedia documents (Websites)

1.1.2. • Cell phones • GPS • WiFi • PDAs • Smartphones • Tablet computers

2. Software

2.1. Operating system

2.2. Utilities

2.3. Application software does tasks for the user:-

2.3.1. Word processors

2.3.2. Spreadsheets

2.3.3. Database management systems

2.3.4. Graphics

2.3.5. Communications

2.3.6. Specialized packages

3. Output devices

3.1. - Soft copy (Monitors, Voice synthesis) - Hard copy (Printers, Plotters)

4. Input devices

4.1. • Keyboards • Direct-entry devices (Mouse) • Microphones • Cameras • Scanner (i.e Bar-code reader, OMR)

5. Computer Classifications:

5.1. Supercomputer

5.2. Mainframes

5.3. Minicomputers

5.4. Netbooks

5.5. Personal digital assistants (PDAs)

5.6. Smartphones

5.7. Tablet computers

5.8. Embedded computers

6. Computers

6.1. Accepts data as input

6.2. Processes that data according to

6.3. instructions stored in memory

6.4. Produces information as output

6.5. Stores the results

7. Hardware

7.1. Includes all the physical parts of the computer, the parts you can see and touch

8. Processing hardware

8.1. Central Processing Unit (CPU)

8.2. Memory