The Catholic Counter-Reformation

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The Catholic Counter-Reformation by Mind Map: The Catholic Counter-Reformation

1. Stop the spread of Protestanism

1.1. The main objetive of this Reformation was to stop the spread of Protestanism

2. Council of Trent

2.1. Convened by Pope Paul III

2.2. Its aim was to correct the errors of the Church and establish new dogmas and rites:

2.2.1. The dogmas: Salvation of man Reaffirmation of the 7 sacraments Declaration of the Vulgate

2.2.2. New prohibitions and obligations

2.2.3. Publication of the catechism

2.3. Religious orders were reformed and created, such as the Society of Jesus

3. Wars of religion

3.1. Catholics VS Protestants

3.2. Religious intolerance was very common

3.3. In Protestant countries, churches were looted, while in Catholic ones, Protestants had to live hidden

3.4. After a century, religious intolerance finally "disappeared"

4. Inquisition Tribunal

4.1. The Roman Inquisition was created by the Pope in 1542

4.2. Ecclesiastical court that punished those who deviated from the Church's dogmas

4.3. According to the Inquisition, if someone didn't renounce their beliefs in order to return to Catholicism, he/she was condemned to burn at the stake