"There is a sharp line between describing something and offering an explanation of it." To what e...

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"There is a sharp line between describing something and offering an explanation of it." To what extent do you agree with this claim? by Mind Map: "There is a sharp line between describing something and offering an explanation of it." To what extent do you agree with this claim?

1. keywords

1.1. describe

1.1.1. to say what somebody/something is like “Oxford Learner's Dictionaries: Find Definitions, Translations, and Grammar Explanations at Oxford Learner's Dictionaries.” Oxford Learner's Dictionaries | Find Definitions, Translations, and Grammar Explanations at Oxford Learner's Dictionaries, www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/.

1.2. explanation

1.2.1. a statement, fact, or situation that tells you why something happened; a reason given for something “Oxford Learner's Dictionaries: Find Definitions, Translations, and Grammar Explanations at Oxford Learner's Dictionaries.” Oxford Learner's Dictionaries | Find Definitions, Translations, and Grammar Explanations at Oxford Learner's Dictionaries, www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/.

2. personal stance

2.1. I disagree with this claim as a description and explanation of an item can be intertwined with one another

2.1.1. in my eyes, the definition to these words description painting a verbal picture of what's happening or what's going on explanation providing reason for its existence/occurance

2.1.2. separate occasions piano description explanation

2.1.3. intertwined occasions also piano description of a person playing the piano explanation of a person playing the piano like authors sometimes do to add a more dramatic effect, people can describe it while explaining how it works. taking that personal occasion but adding general information about the piano

2.2. i feel like this question is kind of talking about the difference between knowing and understanding

2.2.1. knowing (defined by me) like a percentage of understanding. you understand what it is, but that's about it

2.2.2. understanding (defined by me) knowing the who/what/when/why and how