
A map of the shoot. Check out the comments on specific tabs that are marked for a more detailed scene description

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Yona by Mind Map: Yona

1. Aspen: Very Serious Voices in his head Young and Married (regrettably) Furloughed from Job Fearful of coronavirus (overly cautious and jittery,) Goal/destination: To reach the Promise Land of a New Beginning Threshold Guardian: Wife's attitude; Poor Health; Lack of Faith


2.1. Driving

2.1.1. day

2.1.2. night

2.2. Apartment

2.2.1. Bedroom day

2.2.2. kitchen

2.2.3. Bathroom day/morning

2.3. Office of Counselor

2.3.1. day

2.4. Street

2.5. Night/Torch

3. Opening scene: Little boy saying, "aspen come back." Aspen-Running/panting/out of breath

4. Closing Scene: Walks off into sunset

5. He's running from God

6. Meeting with Cornelius

7. Wakes up -- bedroom

8. Washes Face and gets ready --bathroom

9. Cornelius Sermon plays throughout

10. Characters

10.1. Aspen

10.1.1. Hero

10.2. Ebony?

10.2.1. Wife

10.3. Cornelius

10.3.1. Mentor

10.4. Little Kid

10.4.1. Herald

11. Act 1

12. Act 2

13. Act 3

14. Premise

15. Conflict/Action

16. Resolution

17. Car Scene - driving/parked

18. nightmares day dreams play

19. nightmare day dreams play

20. Cornelius' Sermon Begins

21. Cornelius Sermon Continues

22. Cornelius' sermon merges into real life session w/ Aspen

23. Aspen relinquishes his will He stops running and prays

24. Little Kid Dream - "Aspen Come Back

25. Cornelius' Sermon Continues

26. Kitchen--quick breakfast

27. 3 years later...