Session 16

session 11

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Session 16 by Mind Map: Session 16

1. Assignment ( acivity 16)

2. Activity 14

2.1. Problem

2.1.1. Prepare Cash account from the following transactions which are held in a Karthik Nagar branch of HDFC Bank

2.1.2. a) Openings balance of Cash account Rs. 50000

2.1.3. b) Mr. Narayan deposited Rs. 9000 to her SB account

2.1.4. c) Ms. Agarwal withdrew Rs. 1000 from her SB account

2.1.5. d) Mr. Swaroop withdrew Rs. 4000 from her SB account

2.1.6. e) Mr. Shekar who is having a SB a/c with HDFC Bank transferred Rs. 1000 to Mr. Chalapathi who is having an account with SBI though NEFT.

2.1.7. f) Mr. Kiran transferred Rs. 30000 to Mr. Shashank, both are having SB accounts with HDFC Bank

2.2. Solution

3. Activity 15

4. Activity 12

4.1. Prepare Cash account from the following transactions which are held in a Karthik Nagar branch of HDFC Bank

4.2. a) Openings balance of Cash account Rs. 50000

4.3. b) Mr. Narayan deposited Rs. 9000 to her SB account

4.4. c) Ms. Agarwal withdrew Rs. 1000 from her SB account

4.5. d) Mr. Swaroop withdrew Rs. 4000 from her SB account

4.6. f) Mr. Kiran transferred Rs. 30000 to Mr. Shashank, both are having SB accounts with HDFC Bank

4.7. e) Mr. Shekar who is having a SB a/c with HDFC Bank transferred Rs. 1000 to Mr. Chalapathi who is having an account with SBI though NEFT.

5. Activity 13