5 Things You Need to Cut Out of Your Life That Are Preventing You From Fast Progress

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5 Things You Need to Cut Out of Your Life That Are Preventing You From Fast Progress by Mind Map: 5 Things You Need to Cut Out of Your Life That Are Preventing You From Fast Progress

1. Your Negative Friends

1.1. Negative friends will keep you from leveling-up.

1.2. Stop hanging out with them

1.3. Ask yourself: what’s more important, the approval of a negative person, or a chance at real success and happiness?

2. The Wrong Money

2.1. Say no to the wrong money.

2.2. The wrong money will trap you, hold you down, and keep you from greatness.

2.3. Cut it out (and keep it out) if you want to make fast progress.

3. Your Old, Outdated Personal Beliefs

3.1. Things don’t change; you change.

3.2. If your old behaviors and beliefs are hurting you, then stop it.

3.3. Change and do something better.

4. Television

4.1. Learn, create, experiment and grow instead

4.2. That’s how you experience hyper-fast progress.

5. Multitasking

5.1. Countless studies have proven multitasking doesn’t work.

5.1.1. Attention drag — energy that is wasted between constant shifts of focus — adds up and drains your focus.

5.1.2. Most people try to get it all done at once but only end up burning out.

5.2. Don't consume too much of coffee, alcohol, and foods. They severely disrupt their sleeping.

5.3. Reenegergize by detaching from technology, exercising, reading, or just turning your mind off

5.4. Diving deeper into technology and distractions only serve to drain more energy.

5.5. Make rest a priority.

5.6. Have strict guidelines and boundaries to ensure you operate with the maximum energy, as long as possible.