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Conflicts by Mind Map: Conflicts

1. Conflict structure

1.1. subjects of conflict (participants)

1.2. object of conflict (reason)

1.3. conflict situation

1.4. incident

2. Type of conflict

2.1. by nature of occurrence

2.1.1. socio-organizational

2.1.2. emotional

2.2. by direction of impact

2.2.1. vertical and horizontal

2.2.2. business and personal

2.3. by severity

2.3.1. open

2.3.2. hidden

2.3.3. potential

2.4. by resolution methods

2.4.1. antagonistic

2.4.2. compromise

2.5. as appropriate

2.5.1. constructive

2.5.2. destructive (non-constructive)

2.6. by the number of participants involved in the conflict

2.6.1. intrapersonal

2.6.2. interpersonal

2.6.3. personality-group

2.6.4. intergroup

3. causes of conflicts

3.1. information

3.2. values

3.3. relationship structure

3.4. emotional relationship

3.5. behavior

4. typical conflict perception distortion

4.1. "The illusion of own nobility"

4.2. "Searching for straws in the eye of another"

4.3. "Double Ethics"

4.4. The position of "all clear"

5. strategies (lines of behavior in conflict situation)

5.1. cooperation

5.2. compromise

5.3. evasion

5.4. adaptation

5.5. competition (confrontation)

6. Ways to resolve the conflict

6.1. self-overcoming conflict

6.2. seeking help from an outsider