Instructional Partner: Uses a multudisciplnary approach to improve instructional and virtual lite...

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Instructional Partner: Uses a multudisciplnary approach to improve instructional and virtual literacy skills by helping teachers develop students into 21st century learners. by Mind Map: Instructional Partner: Uses a multudisciplnary approach to improve instructional and virtual literacy skills by helping teachers develop students into 21st century learners.

1. Reference Service for Teachers

1.1. Collaborates with teachers individually to help with lesson design.

1.2. Knowledgeable about Web 2.0 applications which can be incorporated into lessons to make them more engaging to students.

1.3. Suggests emerging "virtual" learning opportunities which could be included in lesson design and projects.

1.4. Helps teachers find/access resources that would benefit student learning.

2. Facilitates Collaboration Among Teachers in an Effort to Build Multidisciplinary Projects

2.1. Projects aim to close learning gaps: Test data will be analyzed in all four disciplines as to determine "target skills" which need improvement.

2.1.1. Sub Idea 1

2.1.2. Sub Idea 2

2.2. Projects aim to improve instructional and virtual literacy skills.

2.3. Knowledgeable about curriculum content/ TEKS/ standards in core disciplines as well as technology standards.

2.4. Incorporates College Readiness Standards when applicable.

3. Evaluates Collaborative Efforts to Assess Student Achievement

3.1. Collects evidence to document student achievement.

3.2. Creates rubrics for projects.

3.3. Analyzes test data before and after lessons/projects to assess progress made on "target skills."

4. Co-Teacher

4.1. Helps transform classrooms from passive to active learning environments.

4.2. Steps in and helps teachers with lessons when asked. May teach part of the lesson or help assess parts of lessons/projects created collaboratively.

4.3. Teachers and Instructional Partner have shared goals and vision regarding student learning.