How do Starr's Relationships Impact her Identity?

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How do Starr's Relationships Impact her Identity? by Mind Map: How do Starr's Relationships Impact her Identity?

1. Parents

1.1. Moral Guidance - Parents teach us how to discern between right and wrong. good and bad. Ways of the world.

1.1.1. Maverick - Starr's father teaches Starr about the importance of being a proud black girl from a black community. He teaches her the value of pride and leadership.

1.2. Mentorship and Advisor

1.2.1. Lisa -

1.3. Power Relations - Parents teach us who is in a position of power and influence and who is not both within the family as well in society

2. Relatives

2.1. Uncle Carlos - Starr's Uncle who served as a fatherly figure and mentor when Starr's Father Maverick was in jail.

2.2. Ms. Rosalie - Khalil's grandmother who helped raise Starr

3. Siblings

3.1. Sekani ( Starr's youngest brother) - The decision to keep Khalil's death a secret from Sekani goes against Starr's morals to speak out against police brutality yet she cannot bring herself to do so.

3.2. Seven (Half Brother)

3.2.1. Lyric (Seven's Youngest Half-Sister)

4. Community Personnel

4.1. Officer 115 (Khalil's Killer)

4.1.1. Officer 115 - The white police officer who killed Khalil in cold blood and walked free.

5. Friends

5.1. Peer Pressure - Conditions Starr to behave in particular ways in order to fit in to her social group.

5.1.1. Maya

5.1.2. Hailey Grant Remy (Hailey's Brother

5.1.3. Khalil Harris Brenda - Khalil's Mother

5.2. Trauma - Past Traumatic events come back to haunt Starr which drive her to speak out.

5.2.1. Natasha - Childhood friend

5.2.2. Khalil Harris - Childhood friend

6. Romantic Relationship

6.1. Peer Pressure - Conditions Starr to behave in particular ways in order to maintain her relationship with Chris.

6.1.1. Chris - Starr's Boyfriend who goes to Williamson with her. Chris also happens to be white.

7. Teachers/School Authorities

7.1. Career choice/Identify our talents

7.2. Counselors

7.3. Helps us understand and process the culture and world around us - shape our paradigm