Physical and Chemical properties of water.

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Physical and Chemical properties of water. by Mind Map: Physical and Chemical properties of water.

1. Composition: Hydrogen and Oxygen

1.1. ..

2. It has a low grade of ionization

2.1. ..

3. It has an elevated surface tension

4. Chemical formula

4.1. ..

5. Chemical

6. Speed in the sound of water.

6.1. Example

6.1.1. It also depends of the pression, the quantity of salt, and the temperature.

7. Thermal conductivity

7.1. Example

7.1.1. The capacity that water has to transport heat.

8. Specific heat

8.1. Example

8.1.1. The quantity of energy needed in order to change the water temperature

9. Compressibility

9.1. Example

9.1.1. It´s when we make pression in the water and the water decreases it´s volume.

10. Viscosity

10.1. Example

10.1.1. It refers to the resistance that the water can get when it´s flowing.

11. Surface Tension

11.1. Example

11.1.1. Water molecules interact in order to get together. The surface of the water can get stronger.

12. Density

12.1. Example

12.1.1. It´s the weight that the water can get. It depends of the temperature and the quantity of salt.

13. Physical