Mind Mapping

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Mind Mapping by Mind Map: Mind Mapping

1. Where can mind maps be used in curriculum?

1.1. Teacher use to organize unit plan

1.2. Student use to organize ideas before writing a paper.

1.3. Student groups to organize who is doing what in a project

1.4. Use w/ students who learn visually, showing them the steps ina process

1.5. Help students connect main ideas with sub-topics abd definitions

1.6. Students can see how sub-topics are interrelated.

2. How do mind maps support thinking?

2.1. Helps organize thoughts

2.2. Divergent Thinking

2.2.1. Radiating branches

2.3. Structured Thinking

2.3.1. central theme 1st level 2nd level....so on

2.4. Holistic Thinking

2.4.1. Big Picture ideas are separate but connected

3. Mind maps in PE

3.1. Steps for learning to play games

3.2. Rules for games

3.3. Supplies needed for an activity

3.4. Gymnastics events

3.5. How does exercise improve heart rate & overall fitness?

3.6. Factors that effect health.

3.7. Jump rope unit

3.8. Rules for each part of the building

3.8.1. Gym

3.8.2. Classroom

3.8.3. Lunchroom

3.8.4. Playground

4. What can a mind map be used for?

4.1. Create a post

4.2. Gather useful ideas about a topic

4.3. Manage a project

4.4. Organize a guide for a training session

4.5. Organize notes for a presentation

4.6. Brainstorming

4.7. List requirements for an assignment

5. Why is a mind map valuable?

5.1. Easy to understand

5.2. Condenses information

5.3. Organized

5.4. Can easily reorganize

5.5. Visual

6. How is a mind map created?

6.1. 1. Create a center

6.2. 2. Attach key words, phrases, or pictures, each on their own line.

6.3. 3. The lines make associations between ideas.

6.4. 4. Experiment with different ways of emphasising aspects.

6.5. 5. The structure will create radiating ideas from a central theme